1999 Awards

Naval District Washington (NDW) Regional Personal Excellence Partnership of the Year Award - NRL volunteers for "NRL Community Service Program volunteers are truly local heroes, deserving emulation by Sailors and Navy civilians throughout our Nation's capital, our Navy, and our nation.

The Technical Cooperation (TTCP) Achievement Award, Defense Science & Technology Organisation, Australia - Dr. Susan Numrich "for her contributions toward TTCP collaborations in military distributed modeling and simulation."

American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) Goddard Astronautics Award. - Mr. Peter Wilhelm for "extraordinary engineering, astute leadership, and zealous dedication to excellence in responding to the needs and advancing the technology of the United States Space program."

Society of Fire Protection Engineers (SFPE) Fire Protection Person of the Year Award - Dr. Frederick Williams "for his efforts having a direct impact on Navy fire protection as well as the FPE community as a whole."

IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Science Society, Peter Haas Pulsed Power Award - Dr. Gerald Cooperstein "for his leadership and technical contributions over the past three decades that have greatly benefited the pulsed-power resulting in advances."

American Physical Society Award for Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation in Plasma Physics - Dr. Thomas Clark, Jr. "for his comprehensive elucidation of the hydrodynamics and the optical mode structure of the plasma waveguide."

A.K Oppenheim Prize, Institute for Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems - Dr. Elaine Oran "for her pioneering contributions to the understanding of the dynamics of reactive flows through application of numerical modeling and simulation."

IEEE Microwave Application Award - Dr. Christen Rauscher "for proposing and demonstrating innovative approaches to the design of microwave filters and frequency channelizers."

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. United States of America (IEEE-USA) Harry Diamond Memorial Award - Dr. Gerald Borsuk "his outstanding technical leadership and innovative management skills demonstrated during his NRL service."

Federal Laboratory Consortium Award (FLC) for Excellence in Technology Transfer - Dr. Ranganathan Shashidhar for significant contributions to the development of advanced liquid crystal displays and for being instrumental in transferring these technologies to industry through cooperative research and development agreements and licensing agreements.

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