2011 Awards

Chair-Elect of American Physical Society Panel – Dr. Jill Dahlburg elected Chair-Elect of the Panel on Public Affairs of the American Physical Society. More Information

Fellow of the Optical Society of America – Dr. Phillip Sprangle for his "seminal innovations in advanced radiation sources, laser accelerators and the generation and propagation of high-power laser beams". More Information

Rhodes Scholar – U. S. Naval Academy Midshipman 1st Class Caroline P. Barlow, who served at NRL during a summer internship, selected as a Rhodes Scholar. More Information

Fellow of American Physical Society – Dr. Arati Dasgupta "for contributions to the theory of electron collisions with atoms and ions, and their applications to gaseous electronics, short laser pulses, inertial confinement fusion, and astrophysical plasmas." More Information

Fellow of American Physical Society – Dr. Igor Vurgaftman "for introducing and developing novel opto-electronic device concepts based on the principles of physics, and for significant contributions to the physical understanding, design, and simulation of semi-conductor devices such as the inter-band cascade laser and the type-II infrared photo-diode." More Information

Navy Meritorious Civilian Service Award – Ms. Windie Borodin for her significant contributions as manager of the Midway Research Center (MRC) satellite calibration facility. More Information

2011 Picard Medal – Mr. James Headrick "for pioneering the international effort to develop high-frequency over-the-horizon radar, combining extraordinary skills in electronics, antenna theory, electromagnetic wave propagation and hands-on experimentation." More Information

Fellow of the Optical Society of America – Dr. Igor Vurgaftman for significant contributions to the conception, design, simulation, and understanding of novel semi-conductor devices such as the inter-band cascade laser. More Information

American Physical Society Executive Committee – Dr. Thomas Mehlhorn elected to the Executive Committee of the American Physical Society Division of Plasma Physics. More Information

American Meteorological Society Councilor – Patricia Phoebus elected councilor of the American Meteorological Society. More Information

National Research Council Member – Dr. Thomas Mehlhorn appointed a member of a new National Research Council, Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences panel on the Assessment of Inertial Confinement Fusion Targets. More Information

Navy Superior Civilian Service Award – Dr. Richard Colton for being "instrumental and critical to the creation and growth of the nanoscience community at NRL. His efforts have resulted in coalitions of scientists and engineers that propose and execute high quality, highly relevant science in the area of nanoscience." More Information

Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers –  Dr. Paul Ottinger "for contributions to the physics of intense charged particle beams and vacuum pulsed-power technology." More Information

Lt. Gen. Gordon T. Gould, Jr. MILCOM 2010 award for Best Classified Paper – A multi-disciplinary team of NRL researchers recognized for their paper "Lasercom for Small Unmanned Aerial Systems Using a Modulating Retro-Reflector." More Information

Technical Cooperation Program 2010 Personal Achievement Award – Dr. Edward Franchi for his contributions to TTCP Collaboration on the Maritime Systems Group, Technical Panel on ASW Systems and Technology. More Information

American Society of Civil Engineers, Journal of Aerospace Engineering Best Paper of 2010 – Dr. Glen Henshaw for his paper entitled "A Variational Technique for Spacecraft Trajectory Planning" that was co-authored with his former advisor Dr. Robert Sanner, of the University of Maryland's Aerospace Engineering Department. More Information

American Society of Civil Engineers Offshore Technology Conference Hall of Fame – Dr. Phil Valent for his paper that has withstood the test of time to provide innovation, direction and lasting impact on the design, construction or installation of offshore infrastructure. More Information

Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers – Dr. Eric Mokole "for leadership and contributions to ultra-wideband radar, waveform diversity, and transionospheric space radar." More Information

2011 Vice Adm. Samuel L. Gravely Jr. Award – Paul Charles for his efforts to promote science and technology to minority youth. More Information

"Best Paper" at the Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference (FLAIRS-24) – David Aha, Mattt Molineux, and Jay Powell for the paper, Active and Interactive Learning of Goal Selection Knowledge, which describes NRL's research on goal-driven autonomy.
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American Chemical Society National Award – Dr. Debra Rolison "for expanding the scientific and technological frontier of nanostructured materials, especially those important for energy generation and storage." More Information

Optical Society of America 2011 David Richardson Medal – Drs. Ishwar Aggarwal and Jas Sanghera "for their pioneering work leading to the development, production and commercialization of Infrared Fiber and Transparent Ceramics resulting in numerous IR products." More Information

Hero Award for Technical Excellence – Dr. Tim Campbell received the Hero Award for Technical Excellence at the 2011 Department of Defense High Performance Computing Modernization Program Users Group Conference. More Information

Conference Chair for International Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Defense, Security and Sensing 2012 — Dr. Christopher Wilcox named Conference Chair for SPIE Defense, Security and Sensing 2012. More Information

Fellow of the American Chemical Society — Dr. Debra Rolison for her "major contributions to the chemistry of materials." More Information

Pure Science Award — Dr. Yi-Ming Wang "for fundamental contributions on the nature of solar magnetic fields, the solar wind, and the sunspot cycle." More Information

Michigan Tech's Distinguished Alumni Award — Dr. Bhakta Rath "in recognition of his outstanding contributions both in his career and to Michigan Tech over a number of years."
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NAVAIR's Heinemann Award — Mr. Merritt Cordray, Dr. Jeanne Welch and Mr. Greg Cowgill for their efforts on the AN/AAR-47A/B(V) 2 Missile Warning Set Hostile Fire Indication.
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Purdue University Alumni Award for Outstanding Electrical and Computer Engineer — Mr. Peter Wilhelm received the Alumni Award for demonstrating exemplary accomplishments, leadership and service to the community. More Information

Selected As One of The Top Ten Business Women in 2012 — Dr. Virginia DeGiorgi "as a talented scientific researcher, program manager and team leader in corrosion system modeling." More Information

International Association for Stability, Handling and Use of Liquid Fuels, Inc. Lifetime Achievement Award — Dr. Robert E. Morris "for his devoted research in the chemical behavior, characterization and handling of Navy mobility fuels." More Information

American Physical Society Fellow — Dr. Thomas Mehlhorn "recognized for scientific leadership in developing physics-based simulation tools, discriminating diagnostics, and validation experiments, producing a predictive capability that contributed to major advances in ion and electron beam physics, Z-pinches, inertial confinement fusion, and dynamic materials." More Information

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