Awards in 2002

Office of Naval Research Arthur E. Bisson Award for Naval Technology Achievement - Dr. Mel Kruer for "outstanding technical achievements and scientific leadership in the development and transition of focal plane arrays into Navy missile seekers, missile threat warning systems, and reconnaissance cameras to the Navy TARPS-CD and SHARP systems."

Federal Laboratory Consortium Award for Excellence in Technology Transfer - Drs. Thomas Carruthers, Irl Duling and Michael Dennis for their successful transfer of a high-speed, ultrastable, fiber-optic communications laser.

Federal Laboratory Consortium Award for Excellexnce in Technology Transfer - Dr. Joanne Jones Meehan, for her role in transferring a fouling-release, silicone coating system to the commercial sector.

Fusion Power Associates Leadship Award - Dr. John Sethian, for "leadership of the Elektra laser program and especially his leadership in organizing and coordinating a systems aproach to the National High Average Power Laser Program."

Washington Academy of Sciences Engineering Sciences Award - Dr. Christen Rauscher, for "contributions to the understanding and development of miniature, high-performance microwave filters and filter banks."

Fellow of the Institute of Materials of the United Kingdom - Dr. Bhakta Rath, for contributions to materials science and technology.

Women in Technology International Hall of Fame - Dr. Elaine Oran, for her significant contributions to "the advancement of the engineering profession by pioneering a computational technology, which has unified engineering, scientific and mathematical disciplines into a methodology for solving complex reactive flow problems."

American Physical Society Joseph F. Keithley Award - Dr. Robert Soulen, Jr., "for significant contributions to thermometry measurement over a distinguished career."

American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) Dryden Lectureship Award - Dr. Elaine Oran, "for her lecture presentation titled "Matchsticks, scramjets, and black holes: numerical simulation faces reality."

Federation of Materials Societies National Materials Advancement Award - Dr. Bhakta Rath, "for being a leading scientist and executive in the materials field for four decades."

American Chemical Society Rubber Division's Melvin Mooney Distinguished Technology Award - Dr. C. Michael Roland, "for his innovative research which led to the discovery of various phenomena, revealing new physics in polymers."

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