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Human Resources and Organizational Management

Headquarters Marine Corps

Civilian Employee Assistance Program (CEAP)
The Civilian Employee Assistance Program (CEAP) also known as the Pentagon Employee Referral Service (PERS) is a confidential counseling/referral service that is provided to civilian employees or their family members that is provided at no charge. If an employee or family member should be referred to a counselor or service outside of CEAP, the employee/family member will incur the cost of those outside services. 

CEAP deals with personal problems that can adversely affect relationships, home life, and job performance to include: problems related to stress, marriage or family issues, eldercare, grief and loss, behavioral, emotional, drug and alcohol use, financial, or other concern.

What types of services does CEAP provide?

  • Diagnostic and short-term counseling
  • Referral to Area Resources for Treatment and Assistance
  • One-on-One Problem Assessment
  • Comprehensive Resource Inventory
  • Client Follow-up and Aftercare
  • Supervisory Consultation
  • Crisis Intervention
  • Training and Education
Who provides CEAP?

Behavioral/Factors Inc. (B/Fi) provides this service. B/Fi is a corporate associate of counseling professionals specializing in Employee Assistance.

“Safe Harbor” Provision and CEAP:

  • The Safe Harbor provision protects an employee who voluntarily seeks treatment for illegal drug use. These employees meet the “Safe Harbor” conditions, and will not be subject to discipline or removal for the admitted acts of illegal drug use.
  • “Safe Harbor” will not be granted to drug dealers or those who are involved in drug-related misconduct.
  • Any employee found to be using illegal drugs will be referred to CEAP.
  • Disciplinary action will be initiated against any employee for the first instance of illegal drug use unless the employee utilized the “Safe Harbor” provision.
[Click Here] for more information on the Safe Harbor program. All Headquarters Marine Corps and MCB Quantico Employees should call CEAP at (703) 692-8917 for all appointment and general inquiries.
Safe Harbor