Sexual health and you

Iwannaknow is designed to help you learn about your sexual health in order to make good decisions, since you will be a sexual being for a long time. Whether you're 18 or 80, you are going to have a desire to fulfill your sexual needs. Taking precautions now will not only help you live long, you will have a healthier sex life to show for it.

Our most basic advice is:


A Sexually Healthy Nation

What does a sexually healthy nation look like? In this video, a range of individuals, from experts in the field to people on the street, try to answer that question, looking at how our views toward sex and sexuality have changed over the past century.

Have questions about . . .

something you've heard about sex or STIs?

Can you get an STI from oral sex? Do girls masturbate? Are "blue balls" for real? Can you tell if someone is gay just by looking at them? Separate the myths from the facts.

healthy relationships Relationships

Truly good relationships take time and energy to develop, and should be based on respect and honesty. Learn more about healthy relationships (and taking care of yourself when you're in one).