

In 1991, ACUS issued Recommendation 91-1, which provided guidance for all U.S. regulatory agencies on working with their international counterparts. In April 2011, ACUS co-sponsored a workshop with the U.S.


At its Plenary Session on December 9-10, 2010, the Administrative Conference of the United States adopted Recommendation 2010-1, regarding agency procedures for determining whether to preempt state law. This recommendation is the result of the public, consensus-driven work of the Committee on Regulation of the Assembly of the Conference.


Background:  Agencies wishing to promulgate regulations face an array of procedural requirements.  In addition to the basic notice-and-comment requirements of the Administrative Procedure Act, see 5 U.S.C.


Agencies conduct most rulemaking proceedings via the process of “notice and comment.”  Under this process, an agency publishes notice of a proposed rule in the Federal Register, gives the public a period of time in which to comment, and then issues a final rule after considering the comments received.  See 5 U.S.C. § 553.