
News, announcements, training, search functions, Ask-a-Professor, and similar services with direct links supporting DoD acquisition.

Acquisition Process

Three processes cooperate to deliver capabilities needed by warfighters: the requirements process (JCIDS); the acquisition process (DAS); and the program and budget development process (PPBE). Includes links to DoD and Service policies, guidance, tools, and resources:


Information on career management, the DoD Human Capital Initiative, career planning, leader­ship training, over­arching planning and guidance documents, and relevant professional organizations.


Encyclopedic source of acquisition policy that follows a hierarchy of policy issuance (i.e., executive, legislative, federal, etc.) and filtered according to organization, career field, and special topics.

of Practice

Links to communities of practice and special interest areas, the latest contribution and discussion posts for open ACC communities, community highlights, and links to related communities.

Training and
Continuous Learning

Information on training and continuous learning that supports DoD acquisition, information that helps manage professional training portfolios, and information on training available from DAU and DoD and Services activities.


Information on DoD industry partners that helps the participation and execution of DoD processes; including industry support pages, news, information, and links to private sector acquisition contractors.


Functional Gateways

Sixteen functional knowledge gateways, one for each of the defense acquisition career fields.

Special Topics

Links to gateways about important topics outside the general portals and beyond the standard career fields:


About this page...

Kathy Spainhower

This page introduces and illustrates the elements of Big "A" Acquisition and provides links to documents, multimedia, and training that support it.

For more information, select any of the sub-topics under "What's ACQ..." in the menu on the top-left, or the graphic to the right.


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Featured - Big "A" Concept and Map

DoD Decision Support Systems

DoD has three principal decision-making support systems. Together, the systems provide an integrated approach to strategic planning, capabilities needs assessment, systems acquisition, and program and budget development.

Acquisition ProcessPPBEJCIDS

DoD uses the Defense
Acquisition System
manage the acquisition of
weapon systems and AIS.
Although based on
centralized policies and
principles, the system
allows for de-
centralized and
acquisition. The
system is flexible
and encourages
innovation, while
maintaining strict
discipline and

The Joint Chiefs of Staff
established JCIDS to assess
and resolve gaps in military
joint warfighting
capabilities. To effectively
integrate capabilities
identification and
acquisition, the
JCIDS guidance
(CJCSI 3170.01H
) was
developed in close
coordination with
regulations (DoD
5000 series).

The PPBE Process is DoD's strategic planning, program development, and resource determination process. DoD uses PPBE to craft plans and programs that satisfy National Security Strategy demands within resource constraints.

Learn/Ask/Collaborate Tools

Policy Documents

Policy Documents

Federal Acquisition Regulations

Federal Acquisition Regulations

DAU Glossary

DAU Glossary

Acquisition Community Connection

Acquisition Community Connection

DoD PS Implementation Roadmap

DoD PS Implementation Roadmap

Acquisition Encyclopedia

Acquisition Encyclopedia

e-Tool Kit

Program Managers
e-Tool Kit

Defense Acquisition Guidebook

Defense Acquisition Guidebook

System Acquisition and Business System Acquisition Milestone Document identification

Milestone Document Identification

Ask a Professor

Ask a Professor

DAU Media Library

DAU Media Library

WorkForce and Industry Ethics

WorkForce and Industry Ethics

Rapid Deployment Training
 Briefing outlining Directive-Type Memorandum (DTM WSARA) 09-027 by Prof Brad Brown
Dec 2009 - Implementation of the Weapon Systems Acquisition Reform Act of 2009 (Public Law 111-23) into the DoDI 5000.02.
 DoDI 5000.02
May 2009 - DoDI 5000.02 - "The Honorable John Young, Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics approved a major revision to the DoD Acquisition System (DoD Instruction 5000.02) on December 2, 2008.
 FAQ - Rapid Deployment Training DoDI 5000.02
February 2009 - Some frequently asked questions from the Rapid Deployment Training DoDI 5000.02 sessions conducted.
 Joint Capability Integration and Development System (JCIDS)
JCIDS Brief, from Requirements Executive Overview Workshop. Defense Systems Management College, DAU, provides current overview of the JCIDS process.
 DoD's Business Transformation
December 2005 - This briefing provides an overview of the DoD's Business Transformation using these three support systems.
 Planning, Programming, Budgeting and Execution (PPBE) Process
March 2005 - Ms. Siobhan Tack, DAU, presents overview of PPBE process.
 Planning, Programming, Budgeting and Execution (PPBE) Process
June 2005 - Mark Keehan, DAU, provides update of changes to the PPBE. This video supplements the revised PPDE posted elsewhere in the ACC. Approx. running time: 39 minutes.