

Progress and Challenges in Improving Pipeline Safety

July 20, 2004
Project ID: CC-2004-071


The Inspector General testified before the House Energy and Commerce Energy and Air Quality Subcommittee on the Progress and Challenges in Improving Pipeline Safety. In his testimony, the third since release of OIG’s audit report in June, the Inspector General noted the progress DOT and RSPA have made in closing out many of the congressional mandates from the 1992 and 1996 laws and meeting deadlines under the Pipeline Safety Act of 2002. The Inspector General focused his statement on five major points regarding pipeline safety: (1) mapping the pipeline system; (2) monitoring the evolving nature of IMP implementation; (3) monitoring operators’ corrective actions for remediating pipeline integrity threats; (4) closing the safety gap on natural gas distribution pipelines; and (5) developing an approach to overseeing pipeline security.
