United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission - Protecting People and the Environment

Closed Appeal & FOIA/PA Cases by Subject - FY 2009

Newly Closed - FY2009
(Monthly Update - 08/24/09)
Subject FOI/PA Number Date Rec'd. Date Closed  Response Publicly Available
ADAMS ML081140295 & ML081160372, referenced in OIG-07-A-15, attachment 31 2008-0343 09/29/08 10/21/08 Yes
Advisory Committee on the Medical Use of Isotopes (ACMUI), other candidates for Patients’ Rights Advocate position 2009-0139 04/15/09 05/13/09 No
All agency records on named individual 2009-0150 04/23/09 05/27/09 No
All information relative to variations in power usage, perturbations or fluctuations in line demand, authorizations to enter protected airspace or any anomaly with 25 miles of Arkansas Nuclear One, AR, between April 19, 2009 & April 20, 2009 2009-0190 06/08/09 06/16/09 No
Allegation 4-2009-033, text of allegation, transcripts, witness statements, etc. 2009-0168 05/14/09 05/27/09 No
Allegation no. RIV-2006-A-0033 2009-0125 03/31/09 05/08/09 No
Allegation NRR-1999-A-0058, all documents including correspondence between named individual & NRC 2009-0037 11/18/08 12/22/08 No
Allegation NRR-1999-A-0059, including all correspondence between NRC & named individual 2009-0105 03/09/09 03/31/09 No
Allegation NRR-1999-A-0060, including all correspondence between NRC & named individual 2009-0161 05/05/09 05/27/09 No
Allegation NRR-1999-A-0062, including all correspondence between named individual & NRC 2009-0184 06/01/09 07/01/09 No
Allegation number & OI case number, if relevant of 14 discrimination allegations mentioned on page 18 of the Allegation Program’s 2007 Annual trends Report 2009-0113 03/16/09 04/07/09 No
Allegation RIV-1999-A-0139, all documents including correspondence between named individual & NRC 2008-0321 09/15/08 11/12/08 No
Allegation RIV-2002-A-0151 including correspondence between NRC & named individual 2009-0130 04/06/09 04/29/09 No
Allegation RIV-2002-A-0152 including all correspondence between NRC & named individual 2009-0079 02/09/09 03/03/09 No
Allegation RIV-2004-A-0014, all correspondence between individual & NRC 2009-0056 01/05/09 02/03/09 No
Allegation RIV-2005-A-107, Allegation RIV-2006-A-084, to include all transcripts, witness statements & all records pertaining to named individual & San Onofre NGS 2009-0038 11/19/08 03/09/09 No
Allegation RIV-2006-A-018, all information 2008-0341 09/29/08 10/21/08 No
Allegation RIV-2007-A-0028, Allegation RIV-2007-A-0093, Allegation, RIV-2007-A-0096, Allegation RIV-A-2007-A-0130, Allegation RIV-2006-A-0033, OI report of investigation 4-2007-183, OI Case 4-2006-0025, OI Case 4-2006-0035, Case No.2007-ERA-0006 2009-0042 11/24/08 01/29/09 Yes
Allegation RIV-2007-A-0093, Confidential Settlement Agreement, November 2007 2009-0115 03/20/09 03/24/09 No
Allegation, RII-2007-A-0179, including transcripts of interviews & correspondence between NRC & named individual 2009-0141 04/16/09 06/30/09 No
Allegation, RIV-2007-A-0028, RIV-2007-A-0093, RIV-2007-A-0096, OI Report of Investigation 4-2007-049 2009-0029 11/10/08 11/25/08 No
Allegations RIV-2007-A-0028, RIV-2007-A-0093, RIV-2007-A-0096, RIV-2007-A-0130, RIV-2006-A-0033, OI Report 4-2007-183, OI cases 4-2006-0025, 4-2006-0035, & Case no. 2007-ERA-00006 2009-0127 04/01/09 06/08/09 Yes
Allegations, transcripts, witness statements, reports, and/or any and all records associated with OI Case # 4-2009-033 2009-0210 06/25/09 06/30/09 No
ANP-10294P – Reactor Coolant Pump Motor Flywheel Structural Analysis, technical report 2009-0165 05/13/09 06/04/09 No
Any & all documentation regarding radioactive wastes buried on the Vermont Yankee site 2009-0209 06/25/09 07/17/09 Yes
Appeal - adequacy of search - FOIA - decommissioning of Indian Point, Fitzpatrick, Vermont Yankee, Pilgrim and/or Palisades [2009-0026] 2009-0008A 01/27/09 03/13/09 Yes
Appeal - denial - fee waiver (2009-0104) 2009-0011A 03/20/09 04/20/09 No
Appeal - denial - fee waiver [2009-0066] 2009-0007A 01/27/09 03/11/09 No
Appeal - denial - FOIA - closing memos & reports [2009-0045] 2009-0005A 01/09/09 02/12/09 No
Appeal - denial - FOIA - Lean Sigma Six Process Improvement Project [FOIA/PA-2009-0090] 2009-0012A 04/03/09 06/15/09 No
Appeal - denial - FOIA - ML072950282, ML027950292, & ML072950185 [2009-0010] 2009-0006A 01/14/09 02/25/09 Yes
Appeal - denial - FOIA - OIG investigations [2009-0061] 2009-0009A 02/27/09 03/11/09 No
Appeal - denial - FOIA - vacancy announcement NRR-2007-005 [2008-0319] 2009-0001A 11/03/08 12/03/08 No
Appeal - denial - FOIA [FOIA/PA-2009-0067] TRACE V5.0 Peer Review Reports 2009-0010A 03/11/09 04/22/09 Yes
Appeal - fee waiver denial - emissions of radon etc., WY [2009-0131] 2009-0014A 04/24/09 04/28/09 No
Appeal - fee waiver denial - FOIA - Indian Point IPEEE [2009-0022] 2009-0002A 11/07/08 12/05/08 No
Appeal -fee waiver denial - FOIA - Indian Point decommissioning [2009-0026] 2009-0003A 11/07/08 12/05/08 No
Applications of all approved import & export licenses of companies/institutions that filled out NRC Form 7, 10 CFR 110 within the last 5 years (2004-2009) 2009-0212 06/25/09 07/09/09 No
Biographical information on NRC Commissioners from 1977 to 2005, resumes, profiles, etc. 2009-0078 02/04/09 02/06/09 Yes
Brazilian nuclear program between January 1979 & May 2007 – Referral from the Department of State CON-2009-0003 06/04/09 06/10/09 No
Case 2-1999-042 2008-0338 09/23/08 04/22/09 No
Case 4-2007-008, copy of Exhibits 2 & 3 2009-0171 05/19/09 06/02/09 No
Cesium exposure at Indian Point between December 2005 & February 2006 for named individual 2009-0098 02/27/09 03/24/09 No
Civil & administrative violations for which a monetary penalty was assessed, CY2008 2009-0143 04/16/09 04/24/09 No
Columbus Hospital, 495 North 13th Street, Newark, NJ, & St. James Hospital, 155 Jefferson Street, Newark, NJ, information re: permits for radioactive materials 2008-0337 09/23/08 10/07/08 Yes
Comanche Peak & South Texas Project’s plans for evacuation & recovery after a radiological/nuclear accident, exchanges with FEMA 2009-0085 02/10/09 04/20/09 No
Commission’s decision to allow depleted uranium & other materials not currently classified Class A to be considered as Class A 2009-0172 05/21/09 05/21/09 No
Communications between NRC & Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) staff or contractors, re: Hemyc fire barriers 2009-0089 02/18/09 03/13/09 Yes
Communications between NRC & the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) between January 1, 2004 & October 31, 2008, re: subsurface or groundwater contamination 2009-0073 01/28/09 02/24/09 Yes
Communications between NRC & U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) January 1, 2004 & October 31, 2008, re: sea level rising or tidal surges 2009-0091 02/20/09 03/17/09 Yes
Contract awarded to ClickAbility, all attachments & modifications 2009-0005 10/07/08 10/16/08 No
Contract DR-01-0290 Attachment #05 of Section J 2009-0188 06/05/09 07/08/09 Yes
Contracts between NRC & security contractors excluding Federal Protective Services (FPS), collective bargaining agreements made between unions for security personnel & contractors (excluding FPS) for NRC 2009-0187 06/03/09 06/29/09 Yes
Correspondence from January 1, 2001 to present from Senator Byron Dorgan, Senator John McCain, Senator Tom Carper, Senator Robert Bennett, Rep. Rahm Emanual, Senator Pete Domenici, & Senator Barack Obama 2009-0107 03/09/09 06/03/09 Yes
Credit card holders authorized to make micro purchases 2009-0083 02/10/09 02/10/09 No
Crown Paper Co. (d.b.a. Crown Vantage), 100 Island Avenue, Parchment, MI, 1985-2002, any files related to NRC inspections 2009-0182 06/01/09 06/29/09 Yes
Decision of LBP-08-21, Progress Energy Carolinas (Shearon Harris Power Plants, Units 2 & 3), dated October 30, 2008 2009-0117 03/24/09 03/24/09 No
Decommissioning and/or decommissioning funds of Indian Point, Fitzpatrick, Vermont Yankee, Pilgrim and/or Palisades facilities, communications between NRC & Entergy, TLG Services from October 28, 2008 & February 28, 2009 2009-0094 02/23/09 04/30/09 Yes
Decommissioning of Indian Point, FitzPatrick , Vermont Yankee, Pilgrim, and/or Palisades facilities, communications between NRC & Entergy and/or TLG Services, from July 1, 2008 to October 31, 2008 2009-0026 11/03/08 01/08/09 Yes
Decommissioning of reactors, all communications involving NRC & the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) & its staff & contractors, between January 1, 2004 & October 31, 2008 2009-0059 01/08/09 02/06/09 Yes
Disposal at sea of 294 drums of radioactive waste in Pacific Ocean SW of Ketchikan, AK, AEC license 46-03623-01, records detailed in 1994 GAO report (B-256471) REF-2009-0002 12/30/08 01/12/09 No
Document clarifying distorted & incomplete picture of nuclear accident probabilities & consequences & modeling uncertainties presented in article, dated December 27, 1982 2009-0232 07/21/09 07/30/09 Yes
Dry cask submerging questions 2009-0015 10/17/08 10/20/08 No
EA-02-026, EA-02-261, EA_03-039, EA-03-086, RG 5.69, RG 5.70, Radiological Shortage Adversary Characteristics document, etc. 2009-0162 05/05/09 05/08/09 No
Edlow International Company, Edlow Resources, LLC, president & former president of these companies, CA, all records 2009-0068 01/21/09 03/13/09 No
E-mail from named NRC staff dated October 9, 2008 re: Personnel Issues 2009-0018 10/21/08 11/07/08 No
Emissions of radon or other hazardous air pollutants from evaporation ponds of licensed (previously licensed) facilities in Wyoming, correspondence between NRC, EPA & uranium recovery operators, data logs 2009-0131 04/06/09 05/27/09 Yes
Employment, job performance or character of named individual & all notes by NRC employees with State of CT Department of Environmental Protection, re: named individuals applications to NRC during 2007, all written materials 2008-0319 09/09/08 10/08/08 No
Engelhard Corp., Engelhard Industries, D.E. Makepeace Co., Union Plate & Wire Co., & Baker & Co. Inc., all records including licenses SNM-185, SNM-98, C-4941& SUB-172 2008-0314 09/02/08 01/30/09 Yes
Environmental impact; citizen’s impact statement; up-to-date information on emergencies in FEMA publication, “Are You Ready?” 2009-0053 12/30/08 12/30/08 No
Exelon Generation Company’s Morris, IL facility & Unitech Services Group’s Morris, IL facility, operations & releases 2009-0229 07/15/09 07/21/09 No
Feasibility reports to AEC by Metals & Controls, Inc., docket 70-33, 1955 through 1970 2009-0039 11/19/08 12/22/08 No
Federal Register 30 FR8185, dated June 26, 1965, & 35 FR6427 dated April 22, 1970 in PDF format 2009-0030 11/10/08 11/14/08 Yes
FEMA-approved Alert & Notification System Design Report for Salem/Hope Creek, Calvert Cliffs, Vermont Yankee & South Texas Project as referenced in ML082060271 2009-0016 10/20/08 11/04/08 No
Final report of Randolph AFB radioactive waste exhumation for the low-level radioactive material disposal site (RW03) submitted 8-2-93, license 42-23539-01AF, Docket 030-28641 2009-0213 06/30/09 07/27/09 No
FOIA log for most recent 2 years 2009-0043 11/24/08 12/03/08 No
FOIA/PA-2008-0244, all records 2009-0003 10/01/08 03/06/09 No
GPO Purchase Card Holder list including organizational code, address, & phone numbers 2009-0208 06/24/09 06/29/09 No
I.M.P.A.C. card holder list with organization code, address & phone numbers 2009-0178 05/29/09 05/29/09 Yes
Implications of updated probabilistic seismic hazard estimates in central & eastern U.S. for existing plants, memoranda, reports, charts, diagrams, etc. 2009-0007 10/10/08 01/14/09 Yes
Indian Point Unit 2, Individual Plant Examination of External Events (IPEEE) submittals, documents from December 1, 1995 to December 31, 2003, from RES to NRR 2009-0022 10/24/08 01/13/09 Yes
Indian Point, Units 1, 2 & 3, Hazard Analysis Reports, Safety Evaluation Reports or Site Evaluation Reports prepared before or during Construction license Process and/or Operating License Process, January 01, 1955 to December 31, 1976 2009-0166 05/14/09 05/29/09 Yes
Industrial Reactor Laboratory site, Plainsboro, NJ, license 29-03686-02 or 29-12944-01, records of contamination, soil data, groundwater data, remaining contaminated areas 2009-0104 03/06/09 04/24/09 Yes
Information Notice 84-26, high exposure (>0.5 rem) incidents, conditions surrounding exposure, recorded dose 2009-0065 01/14/09 01/21/09 No
INPO, NSAC & NSAC/INPO documents compiled from NEDO-33262 made available to the public 2008-0322 09/15/08 10/07/08 Yes
Inspection heads and/or control rod drive mechanisms & related components of Indian Point 2 & 3 including inspection plans, results, condition reports, component susceptibility & corrective actions, all documentation 2009-0192 06/08/09 07/10/09 Yes
Inspection Report 07007001/2009-401 & OI report 2-2008-009 2009-0084 02/19/09 02/20/09 No
Integrated Inspection Reports 05000269, 05000270, 05000287 & 2004002; Oconee Nuclear Stations Units 1,2 & 3 degraded coatings inside reactor containments; Generic Letters 98-04 & 2004-02; Inspection Manual Chapter 0609, Section 10 & Chapter 0609 Section 08-02 2009-0080 02/09/09 02/25/09 Yes
Investigation Closing Memorandum 05-71 dated June 7, 2007, Joseph McMillan to Luis Reyes re: OIG investigations on Oconee Nuclear Station, Units 1, 2 & 3 2009-0058 01/05/09 01/29/09 No
Investigation conducted by NRC IG into the actions & negotiations of former Commissioner Jeffrey Merrifield to obtain post NRC employment as VP of Shaw Group Inc., all records including referral to Department of Justice 2009-0180 05/29/09 06/10/09 No
Investigation re: named individual & Peach Bottom, between May & December 2008 2009-0052 12/17/08 01/14/09 No
Investigation RIV-2007-049, final report 2009-0011 10/14/08 11/07/08 No
Investigations 05-038, 05-046, 05-071, 06-013, 06-024, 06-067, 06-072, 06-087, 07-005,- 07-006, etc., first 3 pages of closing memo or final report 2009-0045 12/01/08 12/22/08 No
Investigative file re: named individuals EEOC complaint held by SBCR 2009-0148 04/20/09 05/12/09 No
Investigative report on or about June 15, 2006, all records 2009-0154 04/24/09 05/19/09 No
Law Engineering or MACTEC’s NQA-1 and/or 10 CFR 50 Appendix B quality manual REF-2009-0003 03/18/09 03/27/09 No
Leaks from nuclear power plants in the State of Florida since 2005 2009-0163 05/06/09 05/21/09 No
Lean Six Sigma (LSS) report of the OI Program 2009-0090 02/20/09 03/20/09 No
License No. SMB-911, all records including plans, blueprints, drawings, reports, correspondence, schematics, data & other documents related to the construction of Pond No. 3 & the French drain system associated with Pond No. 3 at the Fansteel site, Muskogee County, OK for the years 1977-1982. 2009-0176 05/26/09 07/01/09 Yes
License Sub-459, applications for license submitted by Ordnance Corps, Department of the Army & application, 1961 2009-0174 05/22/09 06/16/09 Yes
Licensed nuclear radiation device handlers in the U.S. includi ng contact name, facility, name title, full address, phone number, email address, electronic file 2009-0183 06/01/09 06/29/09 No
List of all SES members, January 1, 2002 - present, include nature, public function, names 2008-0344 09/30/08 10/15/08 No
Listing of OIG investigations closed during January 1, 2007 to present 2009-0025 10/29/08 11/14/08 No
Material license database, Radiation Safety Officers (RSO) in 50 states 2009-0146 04/20/09 05/13/09 No
Material License Tracking System (MLTS), active & retired facilities 2009-0054 12/30/08 01/09/09 No
Material License Tracking System (MLTS), active & retired facilities 2009-0075 01/28/09 02/05/09 No
Material License Tracking System (MLTS), active & retired facilities 2009-0112 03/12/09 03/23/09 No
Material License Tracking System (MLTS), active & retired facilities 2009-0126 03/31/09 04/22/09 No
Material License Tracking System (MLTS), active & retired facilities 2009-0217 07/01/09 07/08/09 No
Measurement of airborne tritium releases by James A. Fitzpatrick Nuclear Power Plant & Nine Mile Point 1 & 2, all records since first placed in operation 2009-0170 05/18/09 05/28/09 No
Memorandum dated March 9, 1989, re: Proposed Rule entitled “Custody & Long-Term Care of Uranium Mill Tailings Sites” 2009-0164 05/08/09 05/28/09 Yes
Metabolism of W185 in the Rat, by Ballou, J.E., Hanford Atomic Products Operation, USAEC, Richland, WA, 1960, Report no. HW-64112 2009-0024 10/28/08 11/03/08 No
Millstone Unit 3 containment steel lining & containment for evidence of corrosion or other defects, records for the past 3 years 2009-0160 05/01/09 05/29/09 No
ML072950282, ML072950292, & ML072950185 (package) 2009-0010 10/14/08 12/12/08 Yes
MLTS database 2009-0036 11/17/08 12/17/08 No
MLTS database, active & retired 2009-0001 10/01/08 10/09/08 No
Monticello & Prairie Island 1 & 2 nuclear power plants, all allegations from onsite or anonymous sources, January 1, 2004 through present 2009-0004 10/02/08 11/12/08 No
Neutron Energy Inc., meeting between Neutron & NRC held November 6, 2008, detailed account of comments of Neutron, NRC & the public 2009-0140 04/16/09 04/23/09 Yes
NIST Lab, Boulder, CO, June 9 plutonium spill (Referral from Department of Commerce) 2009-CON-0001 10/06/08 10/16/08 No
NIST/SCAP (Security Content Automation Protocol) & the FDCC (Federal Desktop Core Configuration), NRC’s policy on meeting the OMB mandate & contact for SCAP response 2009-0081 02/09/09 02/20\/09 No
NMSS (Material License Tracking System) licensees for Regions I, II, III, & IV including company name, address, contact person, phone number & program code with medical use or fixed gauge noted 2009-0074 01/28/09 02/03/09 No
Non-power reactor license R-110, docket 50-284, summary of by-product materials transferred from initial criticality 1971 through 1993; 1993 report from Region IV to Deputy U.S. Attorney, State of Idaho 2009-0097 02/25/09 03/20/09 No
North American Aviation Science Center, 8437 Fallbrook Avenue, Canoga Park, CA, site plans, use of nuclear materials, license no. 1910-70, review of specific records REF-2009-0004 03/20/09 04/10/09 Yes
NRC contract NRC-33-03-358, OAO/Lockheed Martin for M&O support for NRC application development, sections A-J, modifications, RFP sections L&M, etc. 2009-0017 10/21/08 01/22/09 Yes
NRC employees designated as “exempt” from Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), representatives for any group of employees, position descriptions, evaluation plan, from March 16, 2006 to present 2009-0120 03/25/09 03/30/09 No
NRC Job Announcement ADM/DAS-2009-0005, Technical Writer-Editor, releasable information & selection made, resume of selected applicant, “certs,” noted or referenced relative to the non-selected applicants & selected applicant 2009-0114 03/18/09 04/06/09 Yes
NRC licenses SNM-124, Docket 70-143; SNM-42, Docket 70-27; SNM-1227, Docket 1201; SNM-1097, Docket 70-1113; SNM-1107, Docket 70-1151; SUB-0526, Docket 40-3392; SNM-7003, Docket 70-7002; GDP-1, Docket 70-7001; Inspections & NRC billed inspector hours, 2007, 2008, 2009 2009-0196 06/16/09 07/07/09 No
NRC mailing list with phone numbers (not including medical affiliations) 2009-0069 01/21/09 02/04/09 No
NRC organization chart, telephone book, & any listings of key personnel by positions and/or office 2009-0034 11/14/08 11/17/08 No
NRC response to OMB directive to provide “hot” issue items to the White House by November 1, 2008 2009-0041 11/21/08 12/09/08 No
NRC utility bills for either August, September, or October 2008, to include electric, natural gas, water, sewer 2009-0033 11/12/08 12/12/08 Yes
NRC’s Federally Funded Research & Developments Center (FFRDC), the Center for Nuclear Waste Regulatory Analyses specifically employee conflict of interest policy, annual research plans, budget & expenditures for FY2007 2009-0106 03/09/09 04/01/09 No
NRC-478, “Experimental Studies on Forces of Critical Two-Phase Jets for Transverse & Longitudinal Cracks in Pipelines,” dated September 1978 2009-0236 07/24/09 07/30/09 No
NRC-sponsored surveillance activities re: named individual, investigation reports, correspondence, etc 2009-0153 04/24/09 05/19/09 No
NRCTX080031, ISDN Phone Service awarded to AT&T June 10, 2008, entire delivery order including statement of work & all modifications 2009-0044 11/25/08 12/19/08 Yes
NRR Office Instruction LIC-112, "Power Uprate Process" effective February 17, 2009 2009-0138 04/13/09 05/08/09 Yes
Nuclear Fuel Services Inc. response to Notice of Violation report dated December 21, 2006 (ADAMS ML073050171) 2009-0145 04/20/09 05/13/09 Yes
Nuclear license for named individual, 1986 2009-0206 06/23/09 07/10/09 No
Nuclear licensees in VA with small business category/reduced fees 2009-0121 03/27/09 04/07/09 No
Nuclear Material Events Database (NMED), January 1, 2000 to present re: scrap metal industry 2009-0027 11/06/08 12/03/08 No
Nuclear Material Events Database, all available years 2009-0119 03/26/09 04/09/09 No
Nuclear Material Events Database, entire releasable portion 2009-0118 03/26/09 04/09/09 No
Nuclear waste dumping at Federal prison site located in Atwater, CA 2009-0156 04/30/09 05/18/09 No
NUREG/BR-0188, Distribution List Descriptions for NRC Reports & Documents 2009-0204 06/19/09 07/01/09 No
NUREG/CR-6847, “Cyber Security Self-Assessment Method for U.S. Nuclear Power Plants” 2009-0152 04/24/09 05/19/09 No
OI 4-2008-034 2009-0144 04/17/09 05/12/09 No
OI Case 1-2006-020, all documents 2008-0315 09/02/08 11/12/08 No
OI Case 4-2006-0025, report summary 2009-0088 02/17/09 02/25/09 No
OI Case 4-2007-049, Exhibit 38, pg 2 of 3, narrative, Line 12, page 11978 of the Callaway Plant Shift Supervisor Daily Log 2009-0211 06/25/09 07/10/09 No
OI case 4-2007-049, Exhibit 39, dated April 22, 2008 2009-0095 02/24/09 05/08/09 No
OI Case 4-2007-049, transcript of interview with named individual, exhibits 13-23 2009-0064 01/14/09 01/29/09 No
OI Case no. 4-2006-0035 2009-0124 03/31/09 04/03/09 No
OI Report 40-2008-030 & any other enforcement documents or notes re: not substantiate the allegation involving fitness for duty investigation at Wolf Creek NGS 2009-0099 03/02/09 03/30/09 No
OI Report 4-2006-037, complete investigation file 2008-0244 06/02/08 11/12/08 No
OI Report 4-2007-049 2009-0009 10/14/08 10/31/08 No
OI Report 4-2007-049 2009-0116 03/20/09 03/23/09 No
OI Report 4-2007-049, Exhibits 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 28, 29, 33, 37 & 38 2009-0102 03/06/09 05/18/09 No
OIG investigation on named individual, closed December 24, 2008 2009-0181 05/29/09 06/15/09 No
OIG investigations 06-090, 06-092, 07-001, 07-003, 07-004, 07-011, 07-012, 07-013, 07-015, 07-017, 07-018, 07-019, 07-020, 07-021, etc., closing memo & final report 2009-0061 01/12/09 02/06/09 No
OIG Investigations 07-55, 08-10, 07-33, 07-06, 06-87, 05-71, 07-19, 07-54, 07-59, closing memo & final report 2009-0060 01/09/09 02/06/09 No
OIG records on named individual 2009-0195 06/12/09 07/22/09 No
OIG Report, “Improper Communications by NRC Commissioner to NRC Staff & Licensees,” case no. 04-141 dated April 15, 2004; any & all documents associated with this report 2008-0312 08/28/08 11/14/08 No
Operation Darkening Cloud(s) - Consultation from Federal Bureau of Investigation CON-2009-0002 03/26/09 04/21/09 No
Operator license for named individual, 1990-1999, Clinton Nuclear Station, IL, docket no. 05000461 2008-0320 09/11/08 10/07/08 No
Oyster Creek, October 2008 inspection, December 23, 2008, meeting re: the inspection, & January 21, 2009, report of that inspection, all documents 2009-0070 01/22/09 06/17/09 Yes
Oyster Creek, review of the metal fatigue analyses for the recirculation nozzles since April 1, 2008 2008-0306 08/20/08 12/16/08 Yes
Performance appraisal on named individual 2009-0122 03/27/09 04/06/09 No
Point Beach, Enclosure 3 to ML042590062 & all documents related to meeting between Division of Engineering and License Renewal Branch & Nuclear Management Co. on October 28, 2004 re: equivalent Margins Analysis for Upper Shelf Energy (USE) & Pressurized Thermal Shock (PTS) analysis 2009-0012 10/14/08 12/04/08 No
Post Test Analysis of the FAI Millstone 3 RWST (Refueling Water Storage Tank) 1/4 Scale Gas Entrainment Test," designated FAI/09-44, dated March 13, 2009 2009-0189 06/05/09 06/17/09 Yes
Preliminary notification reports, Part 21 reports, & event notifications, copy of all three databases 2009-0111 03/12/09 03/18/09 No
Private Fuel Storage, LLC, Safety Evaluation Report (SER), Environmental Impact Statement, Seismic Study, & Aircraft Crash Hazards Study for a Monitored Retrievable Storage (MRS) facility within the Skull Valley Band of the Goshute Tribe, Utah 2009-0101 03/03/09 03/10/09 No
Public utilities that have made formal applications to build nuclear power plants, proposed site location 2009-0014 10/16/08 10/22/08 No
Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, missing, lost or stolen radioactive materials or radiation producing devices, August 1, 1991 to December 31, 2006 2009-0021 10/23/08 11/07/08 No
Quarterly updates of the status of new reactor licensing activities & future planning for new reactors, generated by Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), August 31, 2007 to March 31, 2009 2009-0157 04/30/09 05/27/09 Yes
Qynergy Corporation, Radioactive Sealed Source & Device Registry No. NR-1298-D-101-S, safety evaluation, registration request, etc. 2009-0173 05/22/09 06/04/09 Yes
Radioactive material License/permit for companies doing business near Altus AFB, Jackson Co., OK, and Vance AFB, Garfield Co., OK, city/county list provided 2009-0031 11/12/08 12/05/08 No
Radioactive material License/permit for companies doing business near Patrick AFB, Brevard Co., FL, city/county list provided 2009-0032 11/12/08 12/05/08 Yes
Radioactive material licenses, medical licenses, inspections, questions 2009-0103 03/06/09 03/06/09 No
Radioactive material licenses/permits on companies in specific cities in Los Angeles & Orange counties within a 25 mile radius of Los Angeles Air Station 2009-0096 02/25/09 03/10/09 Yes
Radioactive materials license for Jayor Corp., 11011 Torreyana Road, San Diego, CA 92121, 1982 through 1992 2009-0023 10/28/08 11/07/08 No
Radiography overexposure incidents, Oklahoma, last 5 years, include case history, licensee response, penalties 2009-0062 01/12/09 01/15/09 No
Reactor Operators License 2009-0057 01/05/09 01/30/09 No
Reactor Oversight Process, inspection activities & regulatory violations at nuclear power plants, 1994 – 2008 2009-0179 05/29/09 07/10/09 Yes
Replacement of reactor vessel head and/or control rod drive mechanisms of Indian Point 2 & 3 including analyses, calculations, investigations, etc., all correspondence between NRC & Entergy Nuclear Operations Inc & NY State Agencies 2009-0193 06/08/09 07/10/09 Yes
Report on Taiwan Nuclear Safety, Referral from Department of State REF-2009-0001 12/16/08 01/30/09 Yes
Response to FOIA/PA-2009-0197, “Ammunition purchased in 2008 & cost; number of agents carrying firearms in 2008” 2009-0205 06/22/09 06/30/09 No
Ribonomics Lease Space, 3908 Patriot Drive, Durham, Durham County, NC, all records 2009-0151 04/23/09 04/30/09 No
Risk assessment of super eruptions from Yellowstone or Long Valley & the mitigation measures appropriate to such events 2009-0093 02/23/09 03/20/09 No
RIV-2008-A-0117, investigation of loose bolts on a battery to  breaker connection 2009-0134 04/08/09 05/13/09 No
Robert (Bob) F. McDonnell or his office, all records 1989 - 2009; FOIA requests from January 01, 2004 re: Robert F. McDonnell 2009-0185 06/01/09 06/09/09 Yes
SECY-2008-0019 & associated staff requirements & Commission voting records 2009-0071 01/26/09 04/21/09 Yes
SECY-81-161 2009-0006 10/09/08 11/04/08 Yes
SECY-92-263, "NRC Program for Elimination of Requirements Marginal to Safety," dated July 24, 1992 2009-0087 02/17/09 02/20/09 Yes
SECY-92-263, NUREG-1493, NUREG/CP-0099, NUREG-1333 & SECY paper transmitting the final amendment to 10 CFR 50 Appendix J, dated September 1995 2009-0076 01/29/09 02/09/09 Yes
Seismic issues in the central & eastern United States, all communications between January 1, 2004 & October 31, 2008, involving NEI & NRC 2009-0035 11/14/08 03/13/09 Yes
Seismic issues in the central & eastern United States, all communications between NRC & OMB, January 01, 2004 to October 31, 2008 2009-0194 06/10/09 07/17/09 Yes
Senior Reactor Operator license, 21849, docket 55-22411 2009-0055 12/31/08 01/12/09 No
Shieldalloy Metallurgical Corporation’s decommissioning plan detailed records of billings since 2005 by year 2009-0092 02/23/09 02/27/09 No
Shpack Landfill, Union Road, Norton, MA, unredacted copy of all documents such as Report No. 078-154-A, “Radioactive Material in Uncontrolled Location, Norton, MA” 2009-0051 12/04/08 12/09/08 No
Smith Ranch-Highland in-situ leach (ISL) uranium facilities re: analysis conducted on environmental impacts of using biomediation method to restore groundwater; correspondence from NRC to Power Resources Inc. 2009-0049 12/04/08 12/16/08 Yes
Solicitation #94122, Support for IAEA Safeguards Requirements, awarded contract, etc. 2009-0019 10/22/08 11/12/08 Yes
Specific information on all NRC employees by employee number to include title, series, grade, salary, appraisal score/rating, awards, promotions, etc. 2009-0040 11/19/08 01/09/09 No
Specific information on all NRC employees to include title, series, grade, salary, appraisal score/rating, awards, promotions, etc. 2009-0066 01/14/09 03/27/09 No
Specific information on all NRC employees to include title, series, grade, salary, appraisal score/rating, awards, promotions, etc. 2009-0149 04/21/09 07/27/09 No
Subsurface or groundwater contamination and/or surface water contamination, all communications between NRC & EPA, January 1, 2004 & October 31, 2008 2009-0077 02/03/09 02/26/09 Yes
Susquehanna Steam Electric Station, letter dated 6-3-08, “Summary of Preliminary Analyses of the BWR MCPR Sensitivity to Void Traction Uncertainties Using TRACE (ML081550134) 2008-0290 08/01/08 10/31/08 No
Sylvania Electric Products Co., Bayside, NY, accident on July 2, 1956 2009-0135 04/08/09 04/24/09 No
Sylvania Electric Products Inc., and/or Sylvania-Corning Nuclear Corporation, 208-20 and/or 209-20 Willets Point Blvd., Bayside, NY , all records including July 2, 1956 incident 2009-0082 02/10/09 02/27/09 Yes
Table listing of earthquake magnitude-intensity relationship curve & b-valve plot for recent earthquakes in NY & adjacent areas, 1978 2009-0169 05/18/09 05/29/09 Yes
Task Order award statement of work for NRCTX080035, NRCTX080031, & NRCTX080037, contract GS00T07NSD0007 (AT&T) 2009-0048 12/02/08 12/19/08 No
Task Order NRCTX080035 awarded to AT&T Corp., May 30, 2008, for cellular telephone service renewal including statement of work & all modifications 2009-0046 12/02/08 12/19/08 Yes
Task Order NRCTX080037 awarded to AT&T Corp., for land line phone service, June 9, 2008, including statement of work & all modifications 2009-0047 12/02/08 12/19/08 Yes
Ten oldest open or pending FOIA requests currently being processed or held pending coordination with other agencies 2009-0100 03/02/09 03/13/09 No
Texas City Chemical (Borden, Smith & Douglas, American Oil), 900 Grant Avenue, Texas City, TX 77590, construction permits, operating permits, demolition & decommissioning, uranium/uranium oxide storage, shipping 2009-0086 02/10/09 02/25/09 Yes
Texas Instrument, Inc., Attleboro, MA, unredacted documents re: Site Decontamination Management Program (SDMP) list in SECY-90-121 2009-0050 12/04/08 02/03/09 No
Thorium-contained foundry sands or removal of drums containing this material, property located at 699 E. Route 46, Teterboro, NJ, companies: Allied Signal Aerospace, Bendix, Honeywell, Methpath, etc, between 1980 & 1992 2009-0063 01/13/09 02/19/09 No
TMI Unit 1 Steam Generator, number of failed welds, all nuclides detected in water/concentration, from 1986 2009-0129 04/03/09 05/22/09 Yes
TRACE V5.0, model for nucleate boiling, all records (refer to FOIA/PA-2009-0067 Response) 2009-0110 03/12/09 04/06/09 Yes
TRACE V5.0, Peer Review Reports, 4 specific documents 2009-0067 01/16/09 02/26/09 Yes
Transfer or receipt of devices generally licensed under 10 CFR 31.5 for producing light, specifically exit signs, NRC Form 653, all records 2009-0072 01/27/09 02/25/09 No
Tritium exit signs, entities regulated by NRC registered as having 200 or more signs 2009-0133 04/07/09 04/22/09 No
Turkey Point Unit 3 power outage, March 2006, notes & documents provided to NRC from the FBI 2009-0028 11/10/08 01/15/09 No
Turkey Point, EA-07-138, all documents re: Notice of Violation & Proposed Imposition of Civil Penalty including but not limited to OI Report 2-2006-013 2008-0189 04/17/08 12/01/08 No
TVA’s response to NRC’s Bulletin 2007-01, Security Officer Inattentiveness 2008-0310 08/26/08 11/07/08 Yes
U.S. Code 41§253b(m)(1) proposals & responses to Federal solicitations, copy of any single such attached proposal dated January 1, 2005 or newer 2009-0108 03/09/09 03/23/09 No
United Nuclear Corporation’s former employee petition requesting all site employees be designated a class in the Special Exposure Cohort – Referral from the Department of Health and Human Services REF-2009-0006 04/30/09 05/12/09 Yes
University of Pittsburgh Medical Center citations issued for violating radiation safety procedures re: Gamma Knife radiation therapy from January 1, 2006 through present 2009-0109 03/10/09 07/24/09 No
Vermont Yankee spent fuel accountability reports from 2004 to present 2009-0132 04/07/09 04/30/09 No
Westinghouse’s Standard Design Certification application for the AP1000 design, Combined License (COL) applications & supporting documentation 2009-0136 04/08/09 04/24/09 No
Workers Compensation claim, 1991, on named individual, any and all documents 2009-0147 04/20/09 05/12/09 No
Page Last Reviewed/Updated Thursday, March 29, 2012