United States Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Conservation Service
Soil Quality Institute Go to Accessibility Information
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Soil Quality Publications

Publications offering information on soil quality are provided below. 

Directives and Series Documents

Soil Quality Technical Notes
Soil Quality - Agronomy Technical Notes
Soil Quality - Urban Technical Notes
Soil Biology Technical Notes

Education and Outreach Publications

Soil Quality Demonstrations & Lesson Plans
Soil Quality Posters
Soil Biology
Soil Conditioning Index
Practice Effects, Programs, Indicators, etc.

Soil Quality Technical Notes

Note 1: Guidelines for Soil Quality Assessment in Conservation Planning (PDF, 564KB)

Note 3: Rangeland Information Sheets
Rangeland Soil Quality Information Sheets Flyer (PDF, 195KB)
1. Rangeland Soil Quality -- Introduction (PDF, 1MB)
2. Rangeland Soil Quality -- Indicators for Assessment and Monitoring (PDF, 1MB)
3. Rangeland Soil Quality -- Aggregate Stability (PDF, 2MB)
4. Rangeland Soil Quality -- Compaction (PDF, 1.5MB)
5. Rangeland Soil Quality -- Infiltration (PDF, 1MB)
6. Rangeland Soil Quality -- Organic Matter (PDF, 2MB)
7. Rangeland Soil Quality -- Physical and Biological Soil Crusts (PDF, 1MB)
8. Rangeland Soil Quality -- Soil Biota (PDF, 2MB)
9. Rangeland Soil Quality -- Water Erosion (PDF, 2MB)
10. Rangeland Soil Quality -- Wind Erosion (PDF, 2MB)

Note 4: Pastureland Information Sheets
1. Pastureland Soil Quality -- Introduction (PDF, 120KB)
2. Pastureland Soil Quality -- Indicators for Assessment and Monitoring (PDF, 170KB)

Note 5: Managing Soil Organic Matter: The Key to Air and Water Quality (PDF, 1MB)

Note 6: Soil Quality Test Kit
Soil Quality Test Kit Fact Sheet (PDF, 290KB)
Soil Quality Test Kit Guide (PDF, 1.5MB)
Soil Quality Evaluation Worksheet (XLS, 60KB)
Guía para la Evaluación de la Calidad y Salud del Suelo (PDF, 3MB)

Note 7: Soil Quality Card
Soil Quality Card Design Guide Text (PDF, 270KB)
Soil Quality Card design Guide Appendices (PDF, 310KB)

Note 8: Soil Quality Information Sheets
Soil Quality Introduction (PDF, 200KB)

Indicators for Soil Quality Evaluation
Indicators for Soil Quality Evaluation (PDF, 700KB)
Soil Crusts (PDF, 30KB)
Organic Matter (PDF, 30KB)
Soil pH (PDF, 67KB)
Aggregate Stability (PDF, 25KB)
Infiltration (PDF, 65KB)

Resource Concerns
Hydrophobicity (PDF, 280KB)
Compaction (PDF, 25KB)
Soil Erosion (PDF, 20KB)
Available Water Capacity (PDF, 70KB)
Soil Biodiversity (PDF, 60KB)
Sediment Deposition on Cropland (PDF, 25KB)
Pesticides (PDF, 60KB)
Salinization (PDF, 85KB)

Note 9: Soil Quality Thunderbook
Soil Quality Thunderbook Cover and Spine (PDF, 74KB)
Soil Quality Thunderbook Body (PDF, 244KB)
Soil Quality Thunderbook Divider tabs (PDF, 70KB)

Note 10: Soil Quality Physical Indicators: Selecting Dynamic Soil Properties to Assess Soil Function (PDF, 210MB)
Aggregate Stability (PDF, 380KB)
Available Water Capacity (PDF, 210KB)
Bulk Density (PDF, 340KB)
Infiltration (PDF, 315KB)
Slaking (PDF, 500KB)
Soil Crusts (PDF, 250KB)
Soil Structure and Macropores (PDF, 480KB)

Go to Assessment for additional topics on biological and chemical indicators of soil quality.

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Soil Quality - Agronomy Technical Notes

Note 1: Cover Crops (PDF, 96KB)
Note 2: Conservation Crop Rotation Effects on Soil Quality (PDF, 270KB)
Note 3: Effects of Residue Management, No-Till on Soil Quality (PDF, 100KB)
Note 4: Effect of Soil Quality on Nutrient Efficiency (PDF, 110KB)
Note 5: Herbicides (PDF, 130KB)
Note 6: Legumes and Soil Quality (PDF, 30KB)
Note 7: Effects of Soil Erosion on Soil Productivity and Soil Quality (PDF, 20KB)
Note 8: Liming to Improve Soil Quality in Acid Soils (PDF, 40KB)
Note 9: Managing Conservation Tillage (PDF, 25KB)
Note 10: Sunn Hemp a Cover Crop for Southern and Tropical Farming Systems (PDF, 30KB)
Note 11: Agricultural Management Effects on Earthworm Populations (PDF, 200KB)
Note 12: Long-Term Agricultural Management Effects on Soil Carbon (PDF, 170KB)
Note 13: The Knife Roller (Crimper): An Alternative Kill Method for Cover Crops (PDF, 1.3MB)
Note 14: Improving Soil Quality on the Southern Coastal Plain: One Farmer's Experience (PDF, 800KB)
Note 15: Soil Quality and Vegetable Production: One Farmer's Experience (PDF, 520KB)
Note 16: Interpreting the Soil Conditioning Index: A Tool for Measuring Soil Organic Matter Trends(PDF, 280KB)
Note 17: Soil Compaction: Detection, Prevention, and Alleviation (PDF, 320KB)
Note 18: Sod-Based Rotations: A Proven Old Practice to Improve Soil Productivity (PDF, 350KB)
Note 19: Crop Residue Removal for Biomass Energy Production: Effects on Soils and Recommendations (PDF, 385KB)
Note 20: Managing Cool, Wet Soils (PDF, 400KB)

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Soil Quality - Urban Technical Notes

Note 1: Erosion and Sedimentation on Construction Sites (PDF, 45KB)
Note 2: Urban Soil Compaction  (PDF, 45KB)
Note 3: Heavy Metal Soil Contamination  (PDF, 50KB)

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Soil Biology Technical Notes

Note 1: Soil Biology Primer (HTML)
Note 2: Introduction to Microbiotic Crusts (PDF, 2MB)
Note 3: Soil Biology Primer slide set (PPT, 10MB)
Note 4: Soil Biology and Land Management (PDF, 600KB)

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Education and Outreach Publications

Soil Quality Demonstrations and Lesson Plans

Soil Quality Fact Sheets
Filtration (PDF, 1MB)
Soil Glue (PDF, 3MB)
Soil Water (PDF, 1MB)

Soil Quality Kit - Guides for Educators
Soil Quality Measurement (PDF, 1.2MB)
Soil Bulk Density/Moisture/Aeration (PDF, 511KB)
Soil Organic Matter (PDF, 280KB)
Soil Respiration (PDF, 321KB)
Soil Electrical Conductivity (PDF, 767KB)
Soil pH (PDF, 1.5MB)
Soil Nitrogen (PDF, 1.4MB)
Soil Phosphorus (PDF, 1.6MB)
Soil Infiltration (PDF, 616KB)

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Soil Quality Posters

On-site Soil Quality Indicators Poster (PDF, 17MB)
Cropland Soil Quality Poster (PDF, 9.4MB)
Pasture Soil Quality Poster (PDF, 8.9MB)
Rangeland Soil Quality Poster (PDF, 20.7MB)
Soil Quality Pyramid Poster (PDF, 16.4MB)

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Soil Biology

Soil Biology: Key Educational Messages (DOC, 35KB)
Three Soil Biology Classroom Activities (PDF, 160KB)
Basic Biological Factors of Soil Carbon and Nitrogen (PDF, 2MB)
Basic Biological Factors of Soil Carbon and Nitrogen (PPT, 3MB)
Introduction to Microbiotic Crusts (PDF, 2MB)

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Soil Conditioning Index

Soil Conditioning Index (XLS, 1MB)
Soil Conditioning Index User Guide (PDF, 300KB)

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Practice Effects, Programs, etc.

Crop Residue Removal for Biomass Energy Production (Rev. 02/06) (PDF, 280KB)
Soil Quality as an Indicator of Sustainability (PDF, 4MB)
Soil Quality Assessment and the Plant Materials Program (PPT, 10MB)
Soil Quality Considerations in the Conversion of CRP Land to Crop Production (PDF, 25KB)
Protecting Urban Soil Quality (PDF, 500KB)
State and Transition Models and Dynamic Soil Properties Databases (PDF, 145KB) 
UN Convention on Soil Health (DOC, 285KB)

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