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UK's Drax power plant converting to biomass

UK Government approves and will support conversion of  Drax 645 MWe capacity coal-fired power plant to biomass—will run exclusively on wood pellets.

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Stockholm’s plan to recycle old Christmas trees

Discarded Christmas trees in Stockholm, Sweden, will be transformed into plant food, biofuel for district heating, and carbon sinks. But that's just the beginning.

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$4.9B Sino-Singapore Raffles City Chongqing-coming 2018

1.12 million sq m LEED® Gold megastructure will feature advanced district cooling systems, composite outrigger design, innovative structural seismic design, and more.

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Denmark's largest coal plant converts to biomass

The Avedøre combined heat & power plant in Copenhagen, once the Denmark's largest coal-fired station, has been upgraded to be fueled by wood pellets.

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Harvard achieves science-based climate goal

New report: Harvard University is achieving its goal to reduce GHG by 30 percent by 2016 from 2006 baseline, inclusive of campus growth. 

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IDEA, MRC & EESI Senate Briefing on Microgrids

Speakers provided policy guidance and described proven technologies and cases illustrating robust potential for U.S. investment in district energy microgrids.

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Update on California’s DER leadership

California regulators have created a new financial incentive encouraging utilities to invest in DERs instead of more expensive traditional grid investments.

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Mayors of Pittsburgh and Philadelphia support CPP

Pittsburgh Mayor Bill Peduto & Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenny pledged support for the Clean Power Plan (CPP) and the EPA, which is being sued by plan opponents. 

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New Duke Univ. CHP plant will save $ and GHG

Duke's 21-megawatt CHP project will meet the university's thermal needs, provide back-up generation to meet critical loads and save $2 million in annual fuel costs. 

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New Jersey issues forward-looking Microgrid Report

The New Jersey Board of Public Utilities has released a "Microgrid Report" to provide regulatory, technical and financial data in response to major grid outages.

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How do colleges avoid grid blackouts? Microgrids.

Wendy Koch reports in National Geographic on how tech-savvy universities are leading the way with innovative ideas to make their campuses energy independent.

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Video explains: "What Is a Microgrid?"

Members of the Microgrid Resources Coalition explain the key functions of a microgrid and how it can operate in parallel with the main power grid or in isolation.

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Industry News

Government of Canada releases carbon pricing plan

$4.9B Raffles City Chongqing–symbol of close Sino-Singapore ties and an architectural marvel

Stockholm’s ingenious plan to recycle old Christmas trees–and more

French district heating drive in full swing

Oregon Department of Energy announces $2 million in available grant funding for renewable energy projects across the state

State aid: Commission authorizes UK support to convert unit of Drax power plant from coal to biomass

AGA: Duke University is smart to build a gas-fueled power plant

IDEA Activity

Briefing Notice: “District Energy, CHP, Microgrids: Resilient, Efficient Energy Infrastructure”

District Cooling Conference concludes on a high note

IDEA international district cooling conference opens in Dubai

International District Cooling Conference 2016 reunites elite green experts to share highly efficient solutions

IDEA held 4th Annual Mutual Assistance for District Energy (MADE) Table-Top Exercise Webinar—2016 Emergency Preparedness Training

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