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Featured photo: Support for Rwandan coffee growers

February 15, 2013

Shyara washing station owned by OPIC client Westrock Coffee Holdings’ Rwanda Trading Co. (“RTC”). OPIC political risk insurance is supporting RTC’s coffee processing operations in Rwanda, which provides agricultural extension loans, seed, fertilizer, compost and technical assistance to help small local coffee producers across the country improve production processes and access international markets. RTC is also providing technical assistance to help
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OPIC earns a top rating for innovation in the federal government

September 10, 2012

Innovation has long been a core value at OPIC: It is reflected in the groundbreaking financial and insurance products we offer to support U.S. companies operating in some of the most challenging places on the planet, as well as in the way we conduct our internal operations. Recently OPIC was recognized for our ability to adapt to change by seeking
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OPIC receives environmental finance award for sustainable forestry

July 25, 2012

Always seeking to offer products that support sustainable development, the Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) is pleased to share the news that Environmental Finance magazine has announced the agency and Terra Global Capital, a U.S-based leading land-use carbon development and investment company, as the recipients of their distinguished Sustainable Forestry Transaction of the Year award. The award specifically recognizes OPIC
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Things You Should Know About Political Risk Insurance

March 07, 2012

Opportunity. Uncertainty. Possibility. Unpredictability. These wide-ranging terms describe what many investors think about emerging markets, especially those with a history of civil unrest, violence or a questionable rule of law. We are in the business of helping U.S. businesses gain footholds in emerging markets in order to catalyze revenues, jobs and growth opportunities both at home and abroad. And as
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Project Snapshot: Restoring food supply in Haiti

March 01, 2012

Site Haiti Sector Food Challenge Mitigating the risk involved in rebuilding a key flour mill that was destroyed in the 2010 earthquake. Solution OPIC provided Seaboard Overseas Limited with political risk insurance that covered both the rebuilding and expansion of the mill. Impact Restarting domestic flour milling in Haiti has increased the country’s food production capacity and domestic food security.
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Featured photo: Preserving Cambodian forests

February 02, 2012

Cambodian monks a play key role in  project monitoring and forest management in their community forest. Read more about the REDD (Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation) project in Cambodia, for which OPIC is providing political risk insurance.

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Avoiding economic depression in Afghanistan: How private-sector investment can help

June 20, 2011

By Elizabeth Littlefield, OPIC President and CEO Earlier this month, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee offered a grim forecast about the future of Afghanistan, warning that the country could face “a severe  economic depression” after foreign troops withdraw in 2014. The report, which asserted that both military and civilian aid programs in the country are unsustainable, reopened a longstanding debate
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