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At U.N. and CGI, U.S. highlights importance of collaboration in addressing world’s biggest problems

October 01, 2012

The need to form partnerships and collaborate emerged as a common theme over the past week as top world leaders converged in New York for both the 67th General Assembly of the United Nations and the Clinton Global Initiative. President Barack Obama spoke at the United Nations of “an interdependent world (where) all of us have a stake in working
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OPIC to host Expanding Horizons workshop for small businesses, October 3 in Seattle

September 25, 2012

As more U.S. small businesses participate in the global marketplace, they are facing new questions and challenges. Expanding Horizons, a workshop for small businesses entering international markets, helps entrepreneurs explore new opportunities that can help strengthen their business at home and abroad. Join OPIC at Expanding Horizons in Seattle on October 3, 2012 and learn about the government programs and financial
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OPIC Executive Vice President Mimi Alemayehou Discusses Extensive Growth Opportunities in Africa

May 21, 2012

In this Q&A video, OPIC Vice President Mimi Alemayehou discusses the extensive growth opportunities in Africa, including the demand for energy and power as the continent continues to develop.

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Video: The federal budget and foreign aid

January 24, 2012

How much does the U.S. spend on foreign aid? As political psychologist, Dr. Steven Kull noted during a recent visit to OPIC, a lot less than most Americans think: When they understand that just one percent of the federal budget goes toward foreign aid, most Americans support that level of assistance, said Kull, who studies public opinion on public policy. “The
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Video: “If you don’t innovate you’re not going to win.”

December 09, 2011

In this interview from the December, 2011 U.N. Climate Change talks in Durban, South Africa, OPIC President and CEO Elizabeth Littlefield outlines OPIC’s progress since it identified renewable resources as the agency’s number one sector priority a year ago. She also explains how partnerships between the public and private sectors can be effective in solving the world’s biggest environmental challenges.
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For small businesses, adapting to tough times often means expanding their horizons

October 21, 2011

Ricardo Tejada, Founder and Managing Director of Vnesto Capital, delivered the keynote address at the Expanding Horizons seminar in Orange County, CA, where he shared his story of adapting to the recession by expanding his business into South Korea and Ecuador. Vnesto Capital was founded in Los Angeles in 2005 to help small firms obtain capital and build successful business plans,
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“Before electricity we did not know which century we were living in.”

July 15, 2011

This video from India’s Husk Power Systems Inc.–an OPIC loan recipient–outlines how rice husks are being used to generate electricity and transform lives in many of India’s most remote communities.

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1982: OPIC Repays the U.S. Government

June 03, 2010

Ellen Lytton is Manager of OPIC’s Information Center In the early 1980s OPIC returned its original start-up appropriations totaling $106 million to the U.S. Treasury. In 1982, Craig Nalen, then President of OPIC, met with President Ronald Reagan and presented the president with a check for $50 million. The following year another check in the amount of $56 million was
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Renewable Energy & Clean Technology Conference: Day 3

May 07, 2010

The third and final day of OPIC’s investment conference, Renewable Energy & Clean Technology: Access to Investment Opportunities in Emerging Markets, has been a continuation of the important discussions speakers and participants have had over the last two days about the opportunities and challenges they face by doing business in the renewable energy and clean technology sectors. While this is
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Renewable Energy & Clean Technology: Official Conference Opening

May 06, 2010

Wednesday, May 6, 2010- Renewable Energy & Clean Technology: Access to Investment Opportunities in Emerging Markets was officially opened by OPIC Acting President Dr. Lawrence Spinelli. This three-day international conference—taking place in New Delhi, India—is focused on facilitating private sector investment in renewable energy and clean technology. The conference has attracted almost 300 participants from over 26 countries representing U.S.
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