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The Power of Partnerships

October 29th, 2010 by Pam Gregory

We had an inspiring couple of days in Colorado last week.  On October 21 in Westminister, we participated in the 10th Annual Coleman Institute Conference, entitled “All Together Now:  The Power of Partnerships in Cognitive Disability & Technology.” 

While at the conference, Pam announced that the FCC was partnering with the Coleman Institute and Raising the Floor, an international coalition of individuals and organizations who promote internet accessibility for people with disabilities, to launch a challenge to the public to submit short multimedia presentations on their visions of how cloud computing can create new opportunities.  The challenge, titled "Lifted by the Cloud: Visions of Cloud-Enhanced Accessibility" is the Commission’s first challenge using GSA’s new challenge.gov platform.  More information can be found here.  Preceding Pam’s announcement of the challenge, Elizabeth Lyle, Special Counsel for Innovation in the Wireless Bureau, gave remarks on “The National Broadband Plan and Access for People with Cognitive Disabilities.”

We also participated in a pre-conference workshop in Boulder on October 20, entitled “Implications of Cloud Computing for People with Cognitive Disabilities,” which was sponsored by the Coleman Institute and Silicon Flatirons.  Jamal participated on a panel on “Technical Opportunities and Commercial Infrastructure, including the Farther Future” and Elizabeth participated on a panel entitled “Legal and Regulatory Barriers to Accessibility Technology in the Cloud.”

The Power of Partnerships was truly an apt title – for both days.  The Coleman Institute and Silicon Flatirons created a powerful learning environment by bringing together people with disabilities, advocates, families, researchers, academics, developers, technologists, and policymakers – and we are happy that the Accessibility and Innovation Initiative could be a part of it!

One Response to “The Power of Partnerships”

  1. Donald V. Lemke says:

    Public Commenting not working. I tried to post this:

    An new domestic SW broadcasting technique, that would have little impact on receiving out-of-country transmissions, would be a 60 and 49 meter SW BC bands NVIS (Near Vertical Incidence Skywave) using DRM (Digital Radio Mondiale). DRM would permit single-frequency networks of lower powered (1 KW) transmitters to provide regional coverage. (Chicago/StLouis,Detroit/Indianapolis/Minneapolis for example).

    As NVIS is active primarily in the daytime, the limitation could be placed on this service that it can be active only 1/2 hour after local dawn, and up to 1/2 hour after local sunset. Antenna patterns can be regulated to point upward, with little to know radiation towards the horizon.

    This is spectrum is pretty much wasted at these times of day right now. So, why not permit this?

    end comment...

    And the website had it save it to my disk, rather than save it as a comment others could read on the FCC website.

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