Command You Cash™

Tools, tips and tactics to help military service members develop sound financial habits and take control of their personal finances.



Avoid debt trouble. Understand credit ratings. Learn to create a realistic budget. Get sound, practical advice on how to enjoy the benefits of credit while avoiding massive credit card debt or bankruptcy.

Major Purchases

Major Purchases

Making major purchases such as a car or home are huge financial decisions. It's even more complicated for military families who could receive new PCS orders at any time. These articles, publications, and tools will help you make wise major purchasing decisions.



Discover the more common investments available and how risk and return can affect your decisions. Learn how to formulate an investment plan based on your personal financial goals.



Retirement planning is a process that begins many years before you retire. But whatever your age, there are steps you can take right now to help you assess your current situation and develop a plan to secure financial stability at retirement. In this section, we've provided a variety of tools and worksheets to guide you.

Financial Readiness Program


Join The Ranks of Military Savers

Command Post

Dude, What’s Your DTI?

Add up all your monthly debt payments and divide by your pre-tax income. If the result is less than 36%, you’ve got a decent total debt-to-income ratio. Sweet.

A Method to the Spending Plan Madness

Command Post

Retail (Credit) Therapy

Sometimes a store card is easier to get than any other form of credit. Sign up, pay on time and soon you’ll have the kind of credit history worth bragging about.  

Financing Your Child's College Education
It Pays To Have A Spending Plan
Texas A&M Alliance