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People and Their Environments

Publications & Products

Results 161 - 170 of 512
Reserve selection with minimum contiguous area restrictions: An application to open space protection planning in suburban Chicago Toth, Sandor F.; Haight, Robert; Snyder, Stephanie A.; George, Sonney; Miller, James R.; Gregory, Mark S.; Skibbe, Adam M. 2009
Assessing housing growth when census boundaries change Syphard, Alexandra D.; Stewart, Susan I.; McKeefry, Jason; Hammer, Roger B.; Fried, Jeremy S.; Holcomb, Sherry; Radeloff, Volker C. 2009
The crush and spray: a patented design for herbicide application with less waste Fisher, Cherie LeBlanc; Wiese, Adam H. 2009
Housing growth, forests, and public lands in Northern Wisconsin form 1940 to 2000 Hammer, Roger B.; Stewart, Susan I.; Hawbaker, Todd J.; Radeloff, Volker C. 2009
Parks and people: An environmental justice inquiry in Baltimore, Maryland Boone, Christopher G.; Buckley, Geoffrey L.; Grove, J. Morgan; Sister, Chona. 2009
Can money buy green? Demographic and socioeconomic predictors of lawn-care expenditures and lawn greenness in urban residential areas Zhou, Weiqi; Troy, Austin; Grove, J. Morgan; Jenkins, Jennifer C. 2009
Wildfire risk in the wildland-urban interface: A simulation study in northwestern Wisconsin Bar Massada, Avi; Radeloff, Volker C.; Stewart, Susan I.; Hawbaker, Todd J. 2009
Demographic trends, the wildland-urban interface, and wildfire management Hammer, Roger B.; Stewart, Susan I.; Radeloff, Volker C. 2009
Landscape, community, countryside: linking biophysical and social scales in US Corn Belt agricultural landscapes Atwell, Ryan C.; Schulte, Lisa A.; Westphal, Lynne M. 2009
Does forest land posted against trespass really mean no hunter access? Snyder, Stephanie A.; Kilgore, Michael A.; Taff, Steven J.; Schertz, Joseph. 2009

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Last Modified: 10/20/2010