Publications SMA11-PHYDE071211
Shaping the Future: Challenges and Opportunities

Shaping the Future: Challenges and Opportunities

Presentation by Administrator Hyde, NIATx Summit/SAAS Conference July 12, 2011 (Slides)

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Frames behavioral health as a public health issue and challenges of integrating health care. Discusses resources and strategies for change, and the potential for people to recover from substance abuse and mental illness.

Pub id: SMA11-PHYDE071211
Publication Date: 7/2011
Popularity: Not ranked
Format: Presentation
Audience: Professional Care Providers, Policymakers, Program Planners, Administrators, & Project Managers, Public Health Professionals, Public Officials
Series: Administrator Pam Hyde's Presentations
Population Group: People with Alcohol Use or Abuse Problems as Population Group, People with Substance Use or Abuse Problems as Population Group

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