Bulletproof Vest Partnership

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Bulletproof Vest Partnership
3 Easy Steps
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Bulletproof Vest Partnership Logo Bulletproof Vest Partnership
3 Easy Steps > 3 Easy Steps = Success

 Continuous Open Registration

Step 1: Online Registration – New users can provide contact and banking information throughout the year.
 During the Open Application Period

Step 2: Online Application - Identify the total number, type, and projected cost of vests for the applicant's eligible and participating law enforcement officers.
** You must complete Steps 1 and 2 by the Application Closing Date.

 DOJ Funding Decisions

The BVP program makes funding decisions three to four months after the "open application period" ends. Applicants are then notified via email regarding approved funding levels. (More Information)

 You Purchase Your Vests

Vests meeting applicable NIJ standards can be purchased through any vest distributor.(More Information)

 Anytime After Purchasing Your Vests

Step 3: Online Payment Requests - Once vests are delivered, complete an online receiving report and request for payment.

   For immediate assistance, please call us toll-free at 1-877-758-3787. You may also reach us by email at vests@usdoj.gov