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Renewable Energy & Clean Technology Conference: Day 3

May 07, 2010

The third and final day of OPIC’s investment conference, Renewable Energy & Clean Technology: Access to Investment Opportunities in Emerging Markets, has been a continuation of the important discussions speakers and participants have had over the last two days about the opportunities and challenges they face by doing business in the renewable energy and clean technology sectors. While this is
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Renewable Energy & Clean Technology: Official Conference Opening

May 06, 2010

Wednesday, May 6, 2010- Renewable Energy & Clean Technology: Access to Investment Opportunities in Emerging Markets was officially opened by OPIC Acting President Dr. Lawrence Spinelli. This three-day international conference—taking place in New Delhi, India—is focused on facilitating private sector investment in renewable energy and clean technology. The conference has attracted almost 300 participants from over 26 countries representing U.S.
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Renewable Energy & Clean Technology Conference: Day 1

May 05, 2010

Dr. Lawrence Spinelli, Acting President, talks about the first day of OPIC’s conference–Renewable Energy and Clean Technology: Access to Investment Opportunities in Emerging Markets. The three-day conference, which started on Wednesday, May 5th, is being held in New Delhi, India. Click on the post to hear what Dr. Spinelli had to say.

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