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Fisheries Behavioral Ecology
Research Topic 1: Fish and Environment

Fisheries Behavioral
Ecology Program (FBE)
Staff and Students
Research Topics
Fish and Environment
Fish Habitat
Bycatch Mortality
Fishing Gear
Program Facilities
Focal Species
Field Studies
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Vertical distribution of adult walleye pollock.Behavioral mechanisms can play an important role in controlling distribution at all life stages and survival during early life stages, when mortality rates are high and variable. Under controlled laboratory conditions, behavioral responses are examined under various extrinsic physical (e.g., light, temperature, chemical gradients, and turbidity) and biological influences (e.g., prey distribution and density, social interactions, and predation), and intrinsic factors such as hunger, condition, and stress. A major goal of the research is to understand how these various factors are integrated into behavioral decisions or trade-offs by fish encountering different environmental conditions. Results are evaluated in conjunction with field studies to improve sampling surveys, to model responses by fish to environmental changes and, ultimately, to aid in predicting both survival and recruitment potential.

Recent projects and current research efforts:

  • Effects of temperature and ration on feeding responses, growth, and energy allocation.
  • Vertical distribution and migration in larval and juvenile fishes.
  • Social behavior including schooling, feeding facilitation, and competition.
  • Predator/prey interactions in planktivorous and piscivorous fishes.

See this link for a discussion of new research with Pacific cod.


Research Topic 1: Fish and Environment

Research Topic 2: Fish Habitat

Research Topic 3: Bycatch Mortality

Research Topic 4: Fishing Gear


Last updated 27 March, 2009

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