• whats-new
    18th Azerbaijan International Exhibition and Conference Telecommunications and Information Technologies to be held November 6-9, 2012. Read More
  • azerbaijan

    Energy Jewel of Caspian - Azerbaijan is making the most of its energy wealth, but can it fuel a new golden period? See CNN Featured Video Here .

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    Becoming a member in the USACC helps your company unlock myriad business opportunities in Azerbaijan. Read More

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                                          USACC Weekly E-Newsletter

USACC distributes weekly e-newsletter to keep its wider audience informed about important economic and political developments in                       the Caspian region. To view this week's e-newsletter click here.


Advertise in Business Directory 2013.

Reach Key Business and Government Contacts with the 2013 Business Directory with the World's Most Comprehensive Business Directory for   U.S.-Azerbaijan Trade.                                    

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Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Leaves for US
The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan Elmar Mammadyarov has left for New York to participate in 67th session of the UN General Assembly. Min... Read More


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