
USAID Assists Victims of Human Trafficking


USAID, in partnership with the International Organization for Migration (IOM), and the Inter-Ministerial Commission for Combating Trafficking in Persons of Tajikistan hosted a regional meeting of representatives of 27 Central Asian counter-trafficking nongovernmental and public organizations. The event focused on the identification, rehabilitation, and reintegration into home communities for men who have been trafficked for labor exploitation. Read more »

USAID Opens Safe Drinking Water Project in Sarband


U.S. Embassy Deputy Chief of Mission Sarah Penhune and USAID/Central Asian Republics Regional Mission Director Erin E. McKee met community members of Sarband Town during the opening ceremony for the USAID Tajikistan Safe Drinking Water Project. Community members assembled to celebrate this new system which will provide safe drinking water to 14,921 people. Read more »

USAID Supports Agriculture Fairs in Khatlon, Sughd and the Rasht Valley


The U.S. Embassy Deputy Chief of Mission Sarah Penhune participated in an agricultural fair in the Khatlon province of Tajikistan. It was organized by USAID and Mercy Corps’ Tajikistan Stability Enhancement Program (TSEP). The fair introduced farmers from Shahritus, Qubodiyon, and N. Khisrav districts to suppliers of certified, high quality agriculture inputs including fertilizers, seeds, and pesticides. Read more »

Farming Project Yields Better Produce, Profits

Hoji Mirzo Ismailov recently welcomed the regional governor and 70 members of the farming community to his greenhouses in northern Tajikistan to showcase his remarkable success in producing high-value greenhouse tomatoes. Ismailov is a partner of USAID’s Productive Agriculture Project, which seeks to increase farmers’ incomes by promoting best farming practices.

 Ismailov is also a leader in his community, serving as head of the district’s religious council and teaching in a local school.

An innovative entrepreneur, he strives to advance his community’s development. Read more »

Striking the Keys to Employment

In the center of Navgilem village, two hours outside of the northern city of Khujand, sits a bright pink and yellow building.  The building, repaired and repurposed by the community, is home to a computer lab and a daily class with a university-trained computer specialist.

“Many of our families do not have enough money to send us to university,” explains Nozira Mavluda, an 18-year old student involved in the training course. Read more »

Dialing in Success

Ghiyosiddin Karimov’s cell phone workshop and class-room, organized by the USAID-funded Tajikistan Stability Enhancement Program, and implemented by Mercy Corps since 2009, is a busy place where master and apprentices work together. Cell phone repair is new to the village of Komsomol in the southern Khatlon region of Tajikistan. Ghiyosiddin, a 32-year old technician, is a leader in the industry and master of the apprentice training program.

Ghiyosiddin prides himself on teaching his apprentices everything he knows. Read more »

Tackling Tuberculosis in Migrant Populations


On December 19, 2011, the day after International Migrants Day, I found myself on a plane from Almaty, Kazakhstan to Dushanbe, Tajikistan, for a business trip.  I was surrounded by Tajik laborers returning home to celebrate the New Year. Read more »

Young Leaders Program

April 2011 - April 2015

This program works to promote youth activism and participation at the community level through in class civic education courses and outdoor activities such as sports and drama.  It also works with local youth NGOs to strengthen their capacity to carry out better youth development programs in the future. 

University of Central Asia Newsletter - Issue # 71


The University of Central Asia was founded in 2000 by the governments of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan, and His Highness the Aga Khan. The International Treaty and Charter establishing this secular and private University was signed by His Highness the Aga Khan and the Presidents of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan, ratified by the respective parliaments and registered with the United Nations.

USAID Dialogue on HIV and TB Project E-Bulletin

USAID Dialogue on TB and HIV, Tajikistan

2011 E-Bulletin of the USAID Dialogue on HIV and TB Project, which is a strategic response to reduce the spread of TB and HIV among most at-risk population across Central Asia. 

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Last Updated: 02-20-2013