The Internet Governance Forum

The IGF Secretariat would like to welcome you to the IGF Web site. The design is aimed to make the site user-friendly and give it the ability to add on tools for better online collaboration. We welcome your comments and suggestions as we continuously try to improve our ability to foster dialogue on Internet governance.

This Web site aims to promote the Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). It tries to meet the highest standards set by the W3C.

IGF 2013

[NEW] Call for Contributions

The next Open Consultations and MAG meeting is scheduled for 28 February  - 1 March at UNESCO Head Quarters in Paris. The registration link is available.

Stakeholders are invited to submit written contributions taking stock of the Baku 2012 IGF meeting and looking forward - suggestions on themes and format, for the IGF 2013 meeting. Contributions should be emailed to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it before 14 February 2013.

IGF 2012

The Seventh Annual IGF Meeting was held in Baku, Azerbaijan from 6-9 November 2012. The main theme for the meeting was: ‘Internet Governance for Sustainable Human, Economic and Social Development’.

A draft of the chairman summary is available.

The Declaration of the Baku High Level Ministerial Meeting on "Addressing the Challenges of a Hyperconnected World" is available.

The list of speakers at the Seventh annual IGF meeting closing ceremony is available.

The list of speakers at the Seventh annual IGF meeting opening session is available.

The list of participants of the meeting is available.

[NEW] The Webcast Archive for IGF2012 is available. The videos are also being uploaded on the IGF YouTube Channel.


Main Session Transcripts

Day 1

Opening Ceremony and Opening Session

Emerging Issues Main Session

Day 2

Managing Critical Internet Resources Internet Governance for Development

Day 3

Access and Diversity Security, Openness and Privacy

Day 4

Taking Stock and the Way Forward Main Session Closing Ceremony


The transcripts for the workshops and other sessions can be found at Transcripts.

Workshop Reports and Gender Report cards:

In order to submit the workshop reports and gender report cards, please log in on the IGF website and go to your workshop page and click on "Edit". You can find the Report and Gender Report cards fields on that page.



The schedule for the 7th IGF annual meeting is available [updated 09/11/2012]

pdf file of panellists' biographies is available for download.

IGF Website Redesign

The IGF Secretariat is planning to redesign the actual website ( You can send your comments in this section of the online forum regarding what you like and dislike about the current website and what would you like to see in the new one in terms of contents, layout and any other specific features until 20th of May 2012. Learn more



Book Cover

Download the book:

Internet as a Catalyst for Change:

Access, Development, Freedoms and Innovations

Edited By: Brian Gutterman

(1.58 MB PDF)


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