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One-Stop-Shopping For Consumers

July 27th, 2010 by Joel Gurin - Chief of the Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau

The FCC's website has always had lots of information of interest to consumers but, starting today, this information is just one click away.  Today we are launching the Consumer Help Center.  This site  makes it easy for consumers to learn about our work and take action.  Here, in one place, consumers can do read about consumer issues, get practical advice for avoiding problems, file a complaint, comment on our rulemakings, or read what our FCC experts are saying in our Consumer Blog.  The site includes links to

  • Everything consumers need to know about Bill Shock and Early Termination Fees -- two common issues that affect wireless customers;
  • Savvy Traveler tips -- advice on making phone calls when travelling abroad;
  • Broadband Speed Test -- consumers can test the speed of their broadband service;
  • Fact Sheet Library – more than 150 consumer Fact Sheets on telecom subjects;
  • Links to additional resources on a range of issues, including privacy;
  • Links to file a complaint to the FCC or comment on our rulemakings;
  • Blog posts about consumer issues -- with consumer comments welcome;
  • News releases, statements, and FCC actions.

This is a work in progress and will be updated as more information is added.  Please let us know what you think about the site.  We're listening.

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