105.1 - Clinical Laboratory Materials (gas, liquid, and solid forms)

The following SRMs are for calibrating apparatus and validating analytical methods used in clinical and pathology laboratories. Additional information on the serum materials is given in table 105.2.

For further information see: SP 260-36, SP 260-72 and SP 260-83

PLEASE NOTE: The tables are presented to facilitate comparisons among a family of materials to help customers select the best SRM for their needs. For specific values and uncertainties, the certificate is the only official source.

- Certified values are normal font
- Reference values are italicized
- Values in parentheses are for information only

Detail - Detail    Certificate - Certificate    Report of Investigation - Report of Investigation    MSDS - MSDS    Data Files - Data Files    Questionaire - Questionnaire

  SRM Description Unit Size     Purity/Constituent (mass fraction in %)
Detail Certificate MSDS 900a
Now Selling
Antiepilepsy Drugs in Frozen Human Serum 4 vials   2 levels: phenobarbital, phenytoin, lamotrigine, topiramate
Detail Certificate MSDS 909c
Now Selling
Human Serum 3 bottles x 2 mL each   Cholesterol,
Total Gylcerides,
Uric Acid,
Detail Certificate MSDS 911c
Now Selling
Cholesterol 2 g   99.2
Detail Certificate MSDS 912a
Now Selling
Urea-Clinical 25 g   99.9
Detail Certificate MSDS 913a
Now Selling
Uric Acid 10 g   99.6
Detail Certificate MSDS 914a
Now Selling
Creatinine 10 g   99.7
Detail Certificate MSDS 915b
Now Selling
Calcium Carbonate (Clinical Standard) 20 g   WCaCo3 99.907
WCa 40.0104
WCO3 59.923
Detail Certificate MSDS 916a
Out of Stock
Bilirubin 100 mg   98.3
Detail Certificate MSDS 917c
Now Selling
D-Glucose (Dextrose) 50 g   99.7
Detail Certificate MSDS 918b
Now Selling
Potassium Chloride (Clinical) 30 g   WKCl 99.927
WK 52.4121
WCl 47.5284
Detail Certificate MSDS 919b
Now Selling
Sodium Chloride (Clinical) 30 g   WNaCl 99.835
WCl- 60.564
WNa+ 39.2747
Detail Certificate MSDS 920
Now Selling
D-Mannitol 50 g   99.8
Detail Certificate MSDS 921
Now Selling
Cortisol (Hydrocortisone) 1 g   98.9
Detail Certificate MSDS 924a
Now Selling
Lithium Carbonate (Clinical) 30 g   99.867*
Detail Certificate MSDS 925
Now Selling
VMA (Clinical) 1 g   99.4
Detail Certificate MSDS 927d
Out of Stock
Bovine Serum Albumin (7%, solution) set (10)   BSA Conc. 65.41 mg/L
Detail Certificate MSDS 928
Now Selling
Lead Nitrate (Clinical) 30 g   100.00
Detail Certificate MSDS 929a
Now Selling
Magnesium Gluconate 5 g   Mg Conc. 5.362
Detail Certificate MSDS 937
Now Selling
Iron Metal (Clinical) 50 g   99.90
Detail Certificate MSDS 955c
Now Selling
Toxic Metals in Caprine Blood 4 vials   4 Levels: Pb, As, Cd, Hg
1 Level:  ethyl-, methyl-, and inorganic Hg species 
Detail Certificate MSDS 956c
Now Selling
Electrolytes in Frozen Human Serum 6 x 2.0 mL   3 Levels: Ca, Cl, Li, Mg, K,  Na   
3 Levels: ionized  calcium
Detail Certificate MSDS 965b
Now Selling
Glucose in Frozen Human Serum set (8) (2 each conc)   4 Levels: glucose 
Detail Certificate MSDS 967a
Now Selling
Creatinine in Frozen Human Serum set(4) (2 each conc)   2 Levels: creatinine
Detail Certificate MSDS 968e
Now Selling
Fat-Sol Vitamins, Carotenoids, and Cholesterol in Human Serum set (3) (1 each conc.)   3 Levels: vitamins, carotenoids, and cholesterol
Detail Certificate MSDS 970
Now Selling
Ascorbic Acid in Frozen Human Serum set (4) (2 each conc)   2 Levels: Total Ascorbic Acid
Detail Certificate MSDS 971
Now Selling
Hormones in Frozen Human Serum 2 x 5 mL   cortisol, testosterone, progesterone
Detail Certificate MSDS 972a
Now Selling
Vitamin D Metabolites in Frozen Human Serum 4 vials x 1mL    
Detail Certificate MSDS 998
Now Selling
Angiotensin I (Human) 0.5 mg   94.1
Detail Certificate MSDS 1400
Now Selling
Bone Ash 50 g   8 elements
Detail Certificate MSDS 1486
Now Selling
Bone Meal 50 g   8 elements
Detail Certificate MSDS 1595
Now Selling
Tripalmitin 2 g   99.5
Detail Certificate MSDS 1598a
Now Selling
Inorganic Constituents in Animal Serum 2 vials   12 elements
5 elements
Detail Certificate MSDS 1599
Now Selling
2 Anticonvulsant Drugs set (4)   3 Levels: Valproic Acid,
Detail Certificate MSDS 1950
Now Selling
Metabolites in Human Plasma 5 vials @ 1.0 mL each   Cholesterol, Creatinine, Urea,Uric Acid,Homocysteine,
Glucose,Total Gylcerides,
3 Hormones,8 Fatty Acids,
12 Amino Acids,9 Vitamins,
4 Elements,2 carotenoids,
Bilirubin,Selenium Species,Total protein,
6 PFCs,19 Fatty Acids,
6 Amino Acids, 6 Vitamins,
3 Elements,2 carotenoids,
Detail Certificate MSDS 1951b
Out of Stock
Lipids in Frozen Human Serum set (4) (2 each conc)   2 Levels: Total Cholesterol,
Triglycerides only,
1 Level: Total Glycerides
Detail 1952a
Out of Stock
Cholesterol in Human Serum set (6) (2 each conc)   3 Levels: cholesterol
Detail Certificate MSDS Data Files 1955
Now Selling
Homocysteine and Folate in Frozen Human Serum set (3) (1 each conc)   3 Levels: Homocysteine,
5-Methyltetrahydrofic Acid,
Folic Acid
Detail Certificate MSDS 2366
Now Selling
Cytomegalovirus (CMV) for DNA Measurements 3 vials   3 Levels: cytomegalovirus (copies per micro liter)
Detail Certificate MSDS 2389a
Now Selling
Amino Acids in 0.1 mol/L Hydrochloric Acid 5 x 1.2 mL   17 Amino Acids
Detail Certificate MSDS 2668
Now Selling
Toxic Elements in Frozen Human Urine Set (10) (5 each conc)   2 Levels: 14 Elements
2 Levels: 9 Elements
Detail Certificate MSDS 2669
Now Selling
Arsenic Species in Frozen Human Urine Set (10) (5 each conc.)   2 levels: Arsenic species
2 levels:  Total Arsenic
Detail Certificate MSDS 2670a
Now Selling
Toxic Elements in Urine (Freeze-Dried) set (4) (2 each conc)   2 Levels: 14 Elements
10 Elements
Detail Certificate MSDS 2921
Now Selling
Human Cardiac Troponin Complex 5x115 uL   Cardiac Troponin
cTnI, cTnT, cTnC
Detail Certificate MSDS 2972
Now Selling
25-Hydroxyvitamin D2 and D3 Calibration Solutions 10 ampoules x 1.2 mL each   25-hydroxvitamin D2
25-hydroxyvitamin D3
Detail Certificate MSDS 3668
Now Selling
Mercury, Perchlorate, and, Iodide in Frozen Human Urine Set (10) (5 each conc)   2 Levels: Hg, Nitrate, Perchlorate
2 Levels: I, Thiocyanate
Detail Certificate MSDS 3950
Now Selling
Vitamin B6 in Frozen Human Serum 2 vials, 1 level each   2 Levels: Vitamin B6
Detail Report of Investigation MSDS 8323
Now Selling
Yeast Protein Extract 3 vials x 0.2 mL   0.191 mg/mL
Detail Report of Investigation MSDS 8327
Now Selling
Peptide Reference Material for Molecular Mass and Purity Measurements set 3 (1 mg each)   Molecular Mass,
Purity of Peptides,
Amino Acid Sequence,
for 3 synthetic peptides
Detail Report of Investigation MSDS 8642
Out of Stock
FDA Saxitoxin Dihydrochloride Solution 10 x 1.2 mL   0.0103

- Certified values are normal font
- Reference values are italicized
- Values in parentheses are for information only

* Conforms to National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards (NCCLS) specification ACC-1.