NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organization

NATO’s relations with Montenegro

NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen meets with the President of Montenegro, Filip Vujanovic

NATO Secretary General Rasmussen and President Vujanovic of Montenegro

Montenegro joined the Partnership for Peace in December 2006. Democratic, institutional and defence reforms are a key focus of cooperation. Montenegro has been engaged in an Intensified Dialogue with NATO on its membership aspirations and related reforms since April 2008, and was invited to join the Membership Action Plan (MAP) in December 2009.

Montenegro gained independence from its state union with Serbia in June 2006. The country is working to draw closer to Euro-Atlantic standards and institutions, with the aim of joining the Alliance.  As with all of NATO’s Partner countries, the speed of progress and extent of cooperation ultimately depends on Montenegro's pursuit of democratic, institutional and defence reforms.

The Allies are committed to keeping NATO’s door open to Western Balkan partners that wish to join the Alliance, share its values and are willing and able to assume the responsibilities and obligations of membership. Euro-Atlantic integration is seen as the best way to ensure long-term, self-sustaining security and stability in the region.

The Membership Action Plan (MAP) is a NATO programme of advice, assistance and practical support tailored to the individual needs of countries wishing to join the Alliance. Participation in the MAP does not prejudge any decision by the Alliance on future membership. Montenegro began its first MAP cycle in the autumn of 2010 with the submission of its first Annual National Programme (ANP).

In a speech given during his visit to the country on 29 June 2011, NATO’s Secretary General praised Montenegro for the progress made in introducing necessary reforms: “I commend Montenegro’s political leaders for that courage and determination. And I encourage you to continue your efforts. It is of utmost importance to ensure that the Montenegrin security agencies and defence sector meet NATO requirements. And that further efforts are made to fight corruption and organized crime. That will bring Montenegro even closer to meeting its Euro-Atlantic aspirations.”

  • Framework for cooperation

    Following independence, Montenegro is undertaking a wide-ranging programme of structural and institutional reforms. The instruments available within the Partnership for Peace (PfP) can greatly assist in this process. The country chose to strengthen  the reform focus of cooperation by developing an Individual Partnership Action Plan (IPAP) with NATO in 2008. It moved through a successful IPAP cycle from 2008-2010, before shifting in the autumn of 2010 to an Annual National Programme within the Membership Action Plan framework. 

    Montenegro also participates in the PfP Planning and Review Process (PARP) since 2006.  The role of the PARP is to provide a structured basis for identifying forces and capabilities that could be available to the Alliance for multinational training, exercises and operations. It also serves as the principal mechanism used to guide and measure defence and military reform progress. A biennial process, the PARP is open to all partners on a voluntary basis.

    To facilitate cooperation, Montenegro has established a mission to NATO as well as a liaison office at the Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE).

  • Key areas of cooperation

    Security cooperation

    Participation in joint planning, training and military exercises is a significant element of cooperation within the PfP. In support of NATO's efforts to equip and train the Afghan National Army, Montenegro offered a donation which included 1600 weapons and 250,000 rounds of ammunition. In February 2010 Montenegro decided to contribute troops to the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) in Afghanistan, to which it currently contributes 36 military personnel.

    Defence and security sector reform

    Defence and security sector reforms continue to be key elements of cooperation. The Alliance as a whole and individual Allies have considerable expertise that the country can draw upon in this area. A further priority is working together to further enhance democratic control of the armed forces. The Allies also support the wider democratic, institutional and judicial reform process underway in Montenegro.

    With Allied assistance, Montenegro conducted a Strategic Defence Review and a long-term development plan for its army. These documents will provide a basis for a comprehensive reform of the country’s defence system.

    The country’s participation in  the PfP Planning and Review Process (PARP) helps to develop forces that will be fully capable of conducting peacekeeping and relief operations with NATO and Partner forces.

    NATO Allies have supported a NATO/PfP Trust Fund project in both Serbia and Montenegro to remove anti-personnel landmines. Redundant and obsolete armaments and ammunition remain a significant problem for Montenegro in terms of both security and environmental concerns.

    Civil emergency planning

    In cooperation with Euro-Atlantic Disaster Response Coordination Centre (EADRCC), Montenegro intends to take the necessary steps to establish a national early warning system, build a national crisis situation centre and develop its emergency response capabilities.

    Science and environment

    Under the Science for Peace and Security (SPS) Programme Montenegro has received grant awards for a number of cooperative projects. The SPS aims to increase scientific cooperation, in areas such as counter-terrorism, the removal of dangerous chemicals, and environmental initiatives.  Montenegro recently participated in a regional project on seismic risk-hazard reduction.

    Public information

    Montenegro’s participation in the Membership Action Plan (MAP) requires good public access to information on the benefits on cooperation and membership with NATO. NATO’s Public Diplomacy Division cooperates actively with Montenegro’s Coordination Team for the Implementation of a Communication Strategy for Euro-Atlantic integration as well as with a wide range of civil society partners, media representatives, members of parliament and local municipalities etc. Public diplomacy programmes, such as visits to NATO Headquarters, seminars, speaking tours, educational youth programmes, aim to raise public awareness about NATO and the membership process.

    In every partner country an embassy of one of the NATO member states serves as a contact point and operates as a channel for disseminating information about the role and policies of the Alliance. The current NATO Contact Point Embassy in Montenegro is the embassy of Slovenia.

  • Evolution of relations

    The NATO Allies recognised Montenegro’s independence very shortly after it was declared in June 2006 and invited the country to join the Partnership for Peace (PfP) at the November 2006 Riga Summit. The country formally joined the Partnership in December of that same year and soon increased the focus on reform by developing an Individual Partnership Action Plan in 2008.

    In April 2008, the country was invited by NATO to begin an Intensified Dialogue on the full range of political, military, financial, and security issues relating to its aspirations to membership. Montenegro received an invitation from the Allies to join the Membership Action Plan (MAP) in December 2009. NATO Allies are committed to supporting the country on its path to Euro-Atlantic integration.  However, the key reforms and political decisions needed to achieve the standards of NATO membership must be taken by the leaders of Montenegro themselves.

    Key milestones

    The Federal Republic of Yugoslavia is replaced by a looser state union named Serbia and Montenegro


    Montenegro votes for independence on 21 May and the parliament formally declares independence on 3 June.


    The country joins the Partnership for Peace in December.


    In support of NATO's efforts to equip and train the Afghan National Army, Montenegro donates weapons and ammunition


    NATO Heads of State and Government agree to start an Intensified Dialogue with Montenegro on its membership aspirations and related reforms. Montenegro starts working with NATO on its Individual Partnership Action Plan (IPAP) agreed with NATO in July 2008


    First IPAP assessment


    In December, NATO foreign ministers invite Montenegro to join the Membership Action Plan.


    In February, Montenegro decides to contribute to the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) in Afghanistan.


    Summer 2010, Montenegro leaves the IPAP process.


    Autumn 2010 Montenegro submits its first Annual National Programme, under the Membership Action Plan.


    In June, the NATO Secretary General attends an Adriatic Charter meeting and delivers a major speech “NATO and the Western Balkans” in Montenegro.


    Prime Minister Luksic addressed the North Atlantic Council on 21 March.

Last updated: 10-May-2012 09:58

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