William Hammink

William Hammink
Mission Director

William Hammink is a career Senior Foreign Service Officer with more than 31 years at USAID working on international development and humanitarian programs.

Since August 2011, Hammink has been USAID's mission director in India, where he oversees a $109 million program addressing the critical challenges of food security, climate change and health. Under his leadership, the mission is engaged in a new model of development cooperation, where U.S. assistance is a powerful catalyst for the creation of innovative models that can be scaled with funds from Indian public and private partners to reduce poverty in India.  This new development model also seeks to leverage Indian creativity, expertise and resources to source and scale innovations being developed and tested in India that will benefit vulnerable populations in other countries.

Before arriving in India, was the USAID mission director in Sudan, where the Agency helped the parties of the 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement to implement many of the agreement’s provisions, including nationwide elections in April 2010—the first multiparty elections since 1986—and a peaceful, on-time referendum on South Sudan’s self-determination in January 2011.

Prior to Sudan, Hammink served as deputy assistant administrator in USAID’s Bureau for Economic Growth, Agriculture and Trade.  Appointed to this position in September 2007, Hammink provided senior policy advisory and management services in sectors related to agriculture, economic growth, development credit and education.  He also co-chaired a U.S. Government interagency food security task force and served as the USAID representative to the G-8 food security experts group.

From 2006-2007, Hammink was the director of the Office for Food for Peace, managing over $2 billion in U.S. food aid and testifying before three committees in U.S. Congress on the reauthorization of the Farm Bill.  Prior to this, he was the USAID mission director in Ethiopia (2003-2006), managing one of the largest USAID programs in sub-Saharan Africa. 

Hammink received bachelor's and master's degrees from the University of Minnesota, and has served in seven posts on three continents: Sudan, Swaziland, Senegal, Ethiopia, Madagascar, Russia and West Bank/Gaza.

Last updated: May 25, 2012