Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)

Annual U.S Domestic Average Itinerary Fare in Current and Constant Dollars

Fares based on domestic itinerary fares. Itinerary fares consist of round-trip fares unless the customer does not purchase a return trip. In that case, the one-way fare is included. Fares are based on the total ticket value which consists of the price charged by the airlines plus any additional taxes and fees levied by an outside entity at the time of purchase. Fares include only the price paid at the time of the ticket purchase and do not include other fees paid at the airport or onboard the aircraft. Averages do not include frequent-flyer or “zero fares” or a few abnormally high reported fares.

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Year Current dollars 1995 dollars*
Average Fare ($) Percent Change Average Fare ($) Percent Change
From Previous Year (%) Cumulative from 1995 (%) From Previous Year (%) Cumulative from 1995 (%)
1995 292   292
1996 277 -5.3 -5.3 269 -8.0 -8.0
1997 287 3.8 -1.7 273 1.5 -6.7
1998 309 7.6 5.8 289 6.0 -1.1
1999 324 4.7 10.8 296 2.5 1.4
2000 339 4.7 16.0 300 1.3 2.7
2001 321 -5.4 9.7 276 -8.0 -5.6
2002 312 -2.6 6.9 265 -4.1 -9.4
2003 315 1.0 7.9 261 -1.3 -10.6
2004 305 -3.2 4.5 246 -5.7 -15.7
2005 307 0.6 5.2 240 -2.7 -17.9
2006 329 6.9 12.4 248 3.6 -15.0
2007 325 -1.0 11.3 239 -3.7 -18.2
2008 346 6.5 18.5 245 2.6 -16.1
2009 310 -10.4 6.2 220 -10.1 -24.5
2010 336 8.3 15.0 235 6.5 -19.6
2011 364 8.3 24.5 247 4.9 -15.6
2012 (thru 3Q) 375 3.1 28.3 249 1.0 -14.8

Source: Bureau of Transportation Statistics

* Rate calculated using Bureau of Labor Statistics Consumer Price Index.

Note: Percent change based on unrounded numbers

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