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Open (FCC.gov) Redesign

October 28th, 2010 by Steven VanRoekel - Managing Director, Federal Communications Commission

As you’ve heard from me, we’re hard at work reimagining FCC.gov. The new FCC.gov will, first and foremost, be a resource for American consumers. As we reimagine the site and how it can best deliver the information and services consumers demand, public feedback will continue to be vitally important to our process.

Today, we're showing off some basic sketches for how the redesigned FCC.gov is coming together. And again, we need your feedback.

Take an early look at some of the initial wireframe concepts for the redesign and let us know what you think.

These wire frames are just the first stage in the design process that show us how and where our information will be laid out. Rather than waiting for the release of the 1.0 version of the site, we wanted to give you-the users of FCC.gov-the opportunity to tell us directly what you think about the current ideas. 

These sketches show how, at a fundamental level, we're moving towards a new FCC.gov. Built on a layout that speaks with one agency-wide voice, we're building a stronger consumer resource that's intuitively organized -- not based around an FCC bureaucracy that's unfamiliar to consumers. 

We will soon be testing this and other wireframes with consumers in a usability setting using scenarios most common to the FCC.

Let us know what you think. You can share your comments in our forum or leave your comments below.  If you prefer, you can also e-mail us directly at newmedia@fcc.gov.

We're looking forward to hearing from you.

5 Responses to “Open (FCC.gov) Redesign”

  1. Uma says:

    Congratulations! The wireframes look very good and I really appreciate the curating efforts, really cut down a lot of unwanted stuff on the homepage. Welcoming changes, Well done. I also applaud the FCC's efforts to make this redesign a transparent process.

    Just a couple of nit picks:

    1. I am not entirely sure of the organization of the top navigation (is it purpose-driven?) For example, it is not intutive that I should be looking under Policy & Intiatives for consumer related stuff.
    2. Take Action: The only action that jumps out of this page is "File a Complaint." Is that the only functionality that the most consumers are accessing? Going by the License view, more than 50% of the licenses seem to be Amateur licenses. So why not extend this drop down to something like:
    I would like to file:
    a license application
    a Complaint
    a renewal application
    pay fees
    an auction application

    I would also rename the button to say "File Now". Either that are a dedicated "Auctions & Licensing" highlight section would be very useful. As a side note, I am not able to locate auctions related information anywhere in the new wireframes. Is it hidden deep under "more" link?

    3. News Room: Its really nice to see that the news is now categorized as Press Releases Events etc. However the categorization seems to be a mix. Shouldn't it be Press Releases, Public Notices, NPRMs, Statements, Advisory etc. I am also not sure about mixing the events as part of news. Perhaps a mini-events calendar or an event highlight section?

    4. A little more detail on the proceeding (important dates, perhaps) could help the public to take action on the items based on the deadlines.

    5. Search Results: Search criteria is missing and please include correction suggestions if possible.

  2. Tad Dunten says:

    Please, please, please make a low-bandwidth front end available fo those (like my mother and mother-in-law) who still can't get any form of reliable broadband out here in the outback. A mobile page would be nice, but it's infuriating when I try to get some vital info while I'm at the house and each page takes over a minute o load due to heavy use of graphic elements.

    Until "universal service" is a reality for (at least DSL) broadband, remember those who got left behind while the telcos were counting their record profits...

  3. Guest says:

    The Information Architecture on this is top notch. Who's idea was it to solicit feedback before the redesign? Whomever it is, deserves a pat on the back. It is refreshing to see such an approach. Nicely done.

  4. Guest says:

    Numerous issues, here are just a few on the home page.

    1. Hire a user experience consultant to review these wireframes.
    2. Search: Do not put text inside text boxes, label "Find" button as "Search"
    3. Navigation: Use more intuitive labeling for The FCC, Technology, Business & Legal and Display Options. It is not clear what kind of content I would find beneath any of these labels.
    4. Take Action: "I would like to... File a Complaint "does not seem correct. What other options would there be besides "I would like to"? The "industry" link does not provide enough information - I do not know what content to expect when I click on it, and am not curious enough to click.
    5. News Room: What does the dialog icon mean? What does "More" get me?

  5. Guest says:

    I would like to see the FCC regulate the terms “BROADBAND” or “HIGH SPEED” for internet access. Their needs to be standards, not only setup by set in stone. A few years back, I had to get internet service for my (very) small shop. I went ahead with a satellite system from Hughes Net, as it was suppose to be high-speed, needless to say I was, am still, very upset with it… One of the biggest complaints I have is after 500 meg download, the speed drops down to a trickle, maybe 14k on a good day. The first time this happened I called them up and they called it their fair share policy, giving all of their customers fair access to the net,,, well that sounds pretty good, up front.. but they was never mentioned in the advertising at all. And I really do not consider 100 kbs down & 11 kps up either high-speed or broadband.. I think this is false advertising and more regulation is needed!

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