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Search Human Research Protections Frequent Questions (FAQs)
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What are the procedures for submitting a Federalwide Assurance (FWA)?

Institutions must submit all FWAs (including new submissions, updates, and renewals) electronically using the electronic submission system available through the OHRP website at, unless an institution lacks the ability submit electronically.  If an institution believes it lacks the ability to submit its FWA electronically, please contact OHRP by telephone or email (see and explain why the institution cannot submit its FWA electronically. 

The FWA application will only be considered complete by OHRP when it is completed in its entirety, signed by the Signatory Official, and dated. Additionally, the IRB(s) designated on the FWA must be registered with OHRP before the FWA can be approved.

The instructions for submitting an FWA (new submission, update, and renewal) may be found at

Last Reviewed: 06/17/2011

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