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Means of Transportation to Work

1980 1990 2000 2009
Drive alone 62193 84215 97102 105476
Car pool 19065 15378 15635 13917
Public transportation 6175 6070 6068 6922
Walk only 5413 4489 3759 3966
Work at home 2180 3406 4184 5918
Other means 703 809 901 1176
Bicycle 468 467 488 766
Motorcycle 419 237 142 294
Source: Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Transportation Energy Data Book #30. Table 8.15
This chart shows how people commuted to and from their workplaces between 1980 and 2009. The percentage of people driving alone increased during the years shown, as the percentage of people carpooling decreased. Walking has become less popular, but advances in communication technology have allowed more people to work from home.