USGS - science for a changing world

Kansas Real-Time Water Quality

USGS station: opens this link in a new window Go to NWISWeb
Time period:

Funding to maintain the continuous water-quality monitor at this site ended on December 31, 2003.

Time-series Plot Laboratory measured dissolved sulfate: 274. Computed Dissolved sulfate Computed Dissolved sulfate Computed Dissolved sulfate Dissolved sulfate standard: 250 milligrams per liter as sulfate Dissolved sulfate standard: 1000 milligrams per liter as sulfate Discharge Discharge Percent chance exceeds 1000 milligrams per liter as sulfate Percent chance exceeds 1000 milligrams per liter as sulfate Percent chance exceeds 1000 milligrams per liter as sulfate 90% prediction interval 90% prediction interval 90% prediction interval Percent chance exceeds 250 milligrams per liter as sulfate Percent chance exceeds 250 milligrams per liter as sulfate Percent chance exceeds 250 milligrams per liter as sulfate
Legend for graphical elements on time-series plot.


Water-quality criteria or standards of 250 mg/L and 1000 mg/L for sulfate are plotted as horizontial dashed lines (more...). A second, smaller plot indicates the statistical probability that the computed values have exceeded these criteria or standards.

The statistical (regression) model used to compute sulfate is site specific. Gaps in data occur either when data are not available or their values are outside of the range for the regression model. Users should consider these factors, as well as uncertainty associated with regression-model computed data, when applying this information to specific issues.

For Additional Information

Please contact:

Andy Ziegler
4821 Quail Crest Place, Lawrence, KS 66049
Tel: (785)832-3539, Fax: (785)832-3500

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Page Contact Information: National Real-Time Water Quality Information
Page Last Modified: Wed 06 October 2010