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Burrows Elementary P.E.A.

                                                                                        ( Parent Educators Association)                                                                                          

         Image of Burrows Elementary                            

Registration Form for PEA   



New Email for PEA


Upcoming Events


                 May 3          S.T.E.M. Event for Students --at BES

                                     Volunteers Needed 11:45 - 3:00

                 May 3          S.T.E.M. Event for Families at QM/HS 3:00 -5:00


                 May 4          5th Grade Living Museum

                 May 30        Move up Day 12:30 - 1:30



Burrows Parent Educators Association (PEA)


What is the PEA?

What does the PEA do?

How can you participate?


j0293240  New Recycling Program!  The PEA is excited to announce its new recycling program!  Beginning immediately, kids can bring from home and recycle from their lunch FritoLay potato chip bags, Keebler/Nabisco cookie bags, Mars/Wriggly candy bar wrappers and ScotchTape tape dispensers.  We’ll also collect all printer ink cartridges from home or work – please put them in plastic bags or their original box when you bring them in.   Thanks to all those involved in setting up this program!

  Target’s Fundraising with Red Card!  If you have a Target Red Card or Credit Card (you save 5% on all purchases made with one of these cards), please designate Burrows School online to receive 1% of your purchases as a donation to the school.  It’s easy!

  • Visit
  • Enter our school’s zip code (22134)
  • Enter your name and Red Card (or Target Debit card) number. Done!
  • You can also call 1-800-316-6142.


Denise Entzminger

PEA President

Burrows Elementary School

Phone (703) 441-1415