Congressman Bob Gibbs Responds to President Obama’s State of the Union Address

Jan 24, 2012

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Congressman Bob Gibbs (R-OH) released the following statement in response to President Obama’s State of the Union Address:

“I had hoped that tonight, the President would show real leadership and encourage the Senate to pass the 27 bipartisan jobs-bills that have been piling up on their doorstep for months.  These common-sense bills would get Americans back to work by removing government barriers to job growth, stopping Washington from spending money we don't have, and getting government out of the way of small businesses.

“But instead, tonight we heard President Obama double-down on the same failed Washington-habits of more spending, higher taxes, and more regulations.  He clearly doesn’t get it: Washington doesn’t have a taxing problem, it has a spending problem.  We must get our spending under control before raising taxes on our families and our job creators.  

“I am disappointed that the President did not deliver what America desperately needs: serious, authentic reforms.  I have continuously fought for real reforms that would get our spending under control, provide common-sense regulatory reforms, enact tax reforms for families and job creators, and pursue an energy policy that encourages the responsible development of our own natural resources.  If the President would work with us to implement these kinds of pro-growth policies, we could put Americans back to work and get our economy back on track.”

