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Oak Ridge Y-12 and Oak Ridge National Laboratory Former Production Workers

Former Worker Medical Screening Program (FWP)

Project Name: Worker Health Protection Program
Covered DOE Site: Y-12 and ORNL (X-10)
Worker Population Served: Production Workers
Principal Investigator: Steven Markowitz, MD
Toll-free Telephone: (800) 906-2019
Local Outreach Office: Linda Parker
109 Viking Road
Oak Ridge, TN 37830
Website: http://www.worker-health.org/

Former workers at risk from exposures while working at Y-12 and X-10 are offered a free medical screening. This project is carried out by investigators from the Queens College of the City University of New York. This program also offers CT scans for early lung cancer detection to workers who have an elevated risk of lung cancer as a result of a combination of occupational exposures, age, and/or tobacco use.

Oak Ridge Y-12 and ORNL Needs Assessment

This page was last updated on February 01, 2013