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Human Resources and Organizational Management

Headquarters Marine Corps

Your Supervisor: Before You Arrive (Onboarding Phase 1)
As your supervisor prepares for your new arrival, there are many different actions that he or she can take to enable a smooth transition for you. While these will vary according to the requirements, culture, and size of each office, there are several key components that might be utilized:

Create Your Orientation Plan

Your Supervisor will put together a plan for your first several weeks in office. This plan will typically include activities, development opportunities, and other tasks that will keep you meaningfully occupied during this time.

Select Your Sponsor

Your guide through the transition to your new office will be your onboarding sponsor. Your Supervisor will select one of your peers/coworkers to play this role. Throughout your first several weeks in your new position, your sponsor will assist you with all administrative responsibilities, introduce you to fellow Civilian Marines, tour you around your facility, and help you to ease into your workplace.

Prepare Your Workspace

Your Supervisor will ensure that a suitable workspace is prepared for your arrival. Obviously, your workspace will vary considerably depending on the kind of work you’re going to do, but at a minimum your new space should be identified, clean, and ready for your arrival.

In addition, your Supervisor will ensure that "office essentials" (e.g., phone, computer, software, and email accounts) are ready for your first day by coordinating with the responsible personnel.

Contact You

Your Supervisor is encouraged to send you a welcome packet or letter providing important information about your new agency and job. In addition, she or he may contact you in person to introduce him- or herself to you and to answer some of the questions you may have about your position or the agency.
