

DOT's Improper Payment Reporting Generally Complies with IPERA

March 15, 2012
Project ID: FI-2012-073


On March 15, 2012, we issued our report on DOT's improper payment reporting under the Improper Payments Elimination and Recovery Act (IPERA).  We found that DOT both accurately reported improper payment information in its fiscal year 2011 Annual Financial Report (AFR) and complied with IPERA, with some exceptions.  The following three were the most significant:  1) the Department did not report planned or actual completion dates for corrective actions taken for improper payments in FHWA and FAA’s programs; 2) FAA did not achieve its 2011 improper payment target rate for its Airport Improvement Program; and 3) DOT’s reporting on its payment recapture program was incomplete.  We made two recommendations to assist the Department in its preparation for IPERA reporting.  DOT generally concurred with our recommendations.
