Fall Semester

  • Welcome to Fall Semester at USAID

  • This Fall Semester, Dr. Shah answers your questions about international development

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  • Innovation in Development

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  • View video of the Virtual Classroom on Innovation featuring Priya Jaisinghani

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  • Read the latest edition of USAID's magazine

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  • As part of USAID’s Fall Semester, we will host an online book club for our readers this fall.

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Welcome to Fall Semester at USAID! If you’re interested in improving the lives of people around the world, you’ve come to the right place. We invite you to join conversations that explore solutions to the most pressing global challenges in international development—poverty, hunger, violence, injustice and environmental degradation. Here you’ll have an opportunity to share your innovative ideas during upcoming webchats and guest lectures with leading experts in the field. 

Check back often for updates and additional resources, as this site evolves!


10/18/12: USAID Administrator Shah Travels to Iowa for World Food Prize

10/15/12: Remarks by Administrator Shah at Howard University

10/15/12: Press Release: USAID Administrator Visits Howard University

10/12/12: Remarks by Christian Holmes, USAID Global Water Coordinator, at the University of Colorado

10/11/12: Remarks by Administrator Rajiv Shah at Pepperdine University

10/10/12: Remarks by USAID Administrator Rajiv Shah at the University Of California, Berkeley

10/10/12: The Daily Californian: USAID Administrator speaks at UC Berkeley

09/28/12: Remarks by Administrator Rajiv Shah at the University of Michigan

09/28/12: Priya Jaisinghani, Director of our Mobile Solutions Team, hosts a videochat to discuss mobile money's transformation of development.

09/21/12: Remarks by Administrator Rajiv Shah at Florida International University (As Prepared)

09/21/12: Florida International University: Wall of Wind Testing USAID Transitional Shelter

09/19/12: 100,000 Strong in the Americas

09/18/12: Ask The USAID Administrator

09/17/12: USAID Administrator Rajiv Shah travels to Clemson South Carolina

09/10/12: Remarks by Administrator Rajiv Shah at Mississippi State University

Last updated: November 29, 2012

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