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United States Department of AgricultureFarm Services AgencyAerial Photography Field Office
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Contract Services
APFO Contract Services


The Aerial Photography Field Office provides contracting services for the procurement of aerial photographic film and digital imagery for the U.S. Department of Agriculture and other Federal Agencies. A full range of contracting services are provided including coordinating requests for new imagery, facilitating cooperative agreements, flight planning, technical assistance, and administrative & quality assurance services of subsequent contracts.

Approved Projects

This page shows you information about the upcoming year's projects.

Business Opportunities

There are many business opportunities available at the Aerial Photography Field Office. To see more information and for instructions on how to register, please click on the link above or the link to the right under "Related Topics"

Contract Support

You may email someone at APFO to discuss contract support at:


This Federal Web site contains links and other information on other business opportunities with the Federal Government.


This is another Federal Web site that contains information on Federal Acquisition Regulations, Forms, and news.

Calculation Links

The following links provide programs for calculating sun angle and flight coverage within a specific project area.



Related Topics
Bullet Approved Projects
Bullet Business Opportunities
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Last Modified: 02/14/13 11:48:42 AM

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