Office of Justice Programs: BVP/BASI

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Office of Justice Programs
NLECTC > NLECTC Information

The National Law Enforcement and Corrections Technology Center (NLECTC) is a program of the National Institute of Justice (NIJ), and administers NIJ's voluntary body armor compliance testing program. This testing program validates the manufacturer's claims of ballistic protection and stab protection capabilities, and ensures that public safety agencies have access to ballistic-and stab-resistant armor that complies with minimum performance standards. The NLECTC website provides a database of armor deemed compliant with the NIJ 2005 Interim Requirements for Bullet-Resistant Body Armor, and NIJ Standard-0115.00, Stab Resistance of Personal Body Armor (). As per the law authorizing the BVP program, armor vests listed in this database are the only vests available for selection.

The NLECTC website provides comprehensive information about armor vests and other public safety equipment. NLECTC staff can answer specific questions regarding selection and application of body armor, test methodology, and inquiries for test results for specific models. NLECTC publications providing additional information on armor vests are listed below. Publications in the Adobe Acrobat File format require that you have the Adobe Acrobat Reader software. If you do not have this software, you can now.

 NLECTC Information

  • (November 2001)
    This guide serves as a tool for law enforcement administrators and procurement officials responsible for body armor selection and purchasing. The guide is also meant to enhance understanding of the benefits of the routine use of body armor, as well as dispel some common myths and misconceptions regarding body armor selection and use.

  • (1993)
    A guide to assist body armor users in the wear and care of body armor.
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