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OPIC’s Monthly News Wrap-Up: March 2012

March 29, 2012

We frequently share the important pieces of journalism we find on our Facebook and Twitter feeds. Starting this month, we will also begin recapping on our blog some of the stories we consider most important to helping solve critical development challenges. This month there has been increased discussion over ways to encourage more economic development in Afghanistan in order to
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OPIC: The bottom line

March 09, 2012

As the U.S. Government’s development finance institution, OPIC works with a lot of numbers. One of the numbers we are most proud of is the one on the bottom line of our income statement. In fiscal 2011, OPIC earned net income of $269 million.  And for the 34th consecutive year, OPIC helped reduce the federal budget deficit while operating at
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Things You Should Know About Political Risk Insurance

March 07, 2012

Opportunity. Uncertainty. Possibility. Unpredictability. These wide-ranging terms describe what many investors think about emerging markets, especially those with a history of civil unrest, violence or a questionable rule of law. We are in the business of helping U.S. businesses gain footholds in emerging markets in order to catalyze revenues, jobs and growth opportunities both at home and abroad. And as
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Calling on Caribbean entrepreneurs

March 01, 2012

Last year OPIC, in cooperation with the Department of State, agreed to provide $150 million to support winning projects in two 2012 business proposal competitions to be conducted in 2012 by State’s new International Diaspora Engagement Alliance (IdEA). One of those competitions, the Caribbean IdEA Marketplace, launched on March 1, 2012. OPIC will provide $50 million to support the Caribbean
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Project Snapshot: Restoring food supply in Haiti

March 01, 2012

Site Haiti Sector Food Challenge Mitigating the risk involved in rebuilding a key flour mill that was destroyed in the 2010 earthquake. Solution OPIC provided Seaboard Overseas Limited with political risk insurance that covered both the rebuilding and expansion of the mill. Impact Restarting domestic flour milling in Haiti has increased the country’s food production capacity and domestic food security.
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A new way to promote renewable energy

March 01, 2012

Leasing solar energy equipment is becoming increasingly popular in southern California, and a similar model could make sense in the developing world. In a recent  piece in Renewable Energy World, Lynn Tabernacki, Managing Director of OPIC’s Renewable and Clean Energy Programs, outlines how leased equipment could accelerate use of renewable energy technology in emerging markets and encurage economic growth. The full text
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