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Congressman Dan Lipinski - Washington, DC

Congressman Dan Lipinski
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  1. I am greatly disappointed, that after months of talk, House and Senate leaders and the President were not able to reach agreement on a sizable deficit reduction compromise. While it is good that we’re addressing the need to extend tax relie...f for millions of Americans, omitted from this package is a serious effort to address spending, implement tax reform, shore up the long-term viability of entitlements, or responsibly deal with replacing the sequester. With our debt limit reaching its maximum soon, we have missed a true opportunity to get our growing debt under control.See More
  2. This week I presented Oak Lawn veteran Army Cpl. Gust Peterson with three medals he earned for his service in the Korean War, personally pinning the Army Good Conduct Medal on him at a ceremony in my Chicago office. I was honored to partici...pate in this important day for Cpl. Peterson and his family, and proud that my office was able to get him the medals he earned but never received.
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    Photo: This week I presented Oak Lawn veteran Army Cpl. Gust Peterson with three medals he earned for his service in the Korean War, personally pinning the Army Good Conduct Medal on him at a ceremony in my Chicago office. I was honored to participate in this important day for Cpl. Peterson and his family, and proud that my office was able to get him the medals he earned but never received.
  3. Out of more than 100 applications, I have nominated 16 high school seniors from the 3rd Congressional District for admission to the U.S. Service Academies. Each of the nominees will be notified in January if they have been accepted. Just to... be nominated is an honor. I am confident these nominees will make major contributions no matter what path they take in life.
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    Photo: Out of more than 100 applications, I have nominated 16 high school seniors from the 3rd Congressional District for admission to the U.S. Service Academies. Each of the nominees will be notified in January if they have been accepted. Just to be nominated is an honor. I am confident these nominees will make major contributions no matter what path they take in life.
  4. I joined with 20 local officials today in urging CN to allow Metra to expand service on the Heritage Corridor Line by accommodating at least two additional trains, or one extra round-trip, a day. The request follows a similar appeal made by... new Metra Board Chairman Brad O'Halloran. We are urging to CN to accommodate this improvement as soon as possible so people living in communities served by the Heritage Corridor Line can begin to have commuting options already afforded to others in northeastern Illinois.
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    Photo: I joined with 20 local officials today in urging CN to allow Metra to expand service on the Heritage Corridor Line by accommodating at least two additional trains, or one extra round-trip, a day. The request follows a similar appeal made by new Metra Board Chairman Brad O'Halloran. We are urging to CN to accommodate this improvement as soon as possible so people living in communities served by the Heritage Corridor Line can begin to have commuting options already afforded to others in northeastern Illinois.
  5. My thoughts and prayers go out to the victims and families at Sandy Hook Elementary School and the entire community of Newtown, Connecticut.
  6. Tomorrow morning I will be on the Jake Hartford and John Kass Show on WLS-AM (890) during the 10 o'clock hour to discuss the fiscal cliff.
  7. Tune in to The Steve Cochran Show on WIND-AM (560) between 5 and 7 tonight (CT) to hear Rep. Robert Dold and me discuss the fiscal cliff and our joint op-ed in today's Chicago Tribune.
  8. In Thursday's Chicago Tribune, Rep. Robert Dold and I weigh in with a plan to avert the fiscal cliff, reduce our debt and get the country on the path to fiscal sustainability. Together we have been working with a bipartisan group of representatives on a "grand bargain" to place a down payment on our debt before year's end, while putting a framework in place for larger reforms in early 2013 that would reduce the deficit by $4 trillion. We need to compromise and end the brinkmanship in Washington.,0,6147685.story
  9. There is some justice in today's $1.9 billion fine of British bank HSBC for money laundering on behalf of Mexican drug cartels and nations such as Iran that are under international sanctions. But does this action - as opposed to a more hars...h penalty - not only again enshrine "too big to fail" but also "too big to indict?" As a representative who opposed the Wall Street bailout, I am concerned that some bankers are once again getting away with bad behavior.
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  10. The November jobs report shows that our slow economic recovery steadily continues. The progress, however, will be wiped out if we don't do anything to avoid the fiscal cliff. I am continuing to work with a bipartisan group of representative...s to avoid to cliff, cut the deficit and get us on a fiscally sustainable path. The brinksmanship in Washington must end. The time to come to an agreement is now.
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  11. Today marks the 71st anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor. In 1994, U.S. Congress designated Dec. 7 of each year as National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day to remember those who lost their lives in the attack. Please take a moment today ...
    to reflect, thanking and honoring all of the brave men and women who served in World War II.
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  12. As Washington continues to struggle to avoid the fiscal cliff, I am working this week with a bipartisan group of legislators to develop a plan to not only avoid the “cliff,” but to put the nation on a fiscally sustainable path. I was walking in a Christmas parade last weekend when someone yelled out about solving the fiscal cliff, concluding with one word, ‘compromise.’ That is exactly what we need to do.

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