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Join us for the Spectrum Summit

October 20th, 2010 by George Krebs

By John Leibovitz

At last week’s Commission meeting, Chairman Genachowski announced that the FCC will be hosting a Spectrum Summit to bring together creative thinkers to solve the looming spectrum crunch and ensure enough airwaves are available for Americans’ growing appetite for mobile broadband.

The Summit is now here – it kicks off at 10 am tomorrow (Thursday) -- and will be carried live at FCC.gov/Live.  And we’re very pleased that C-SPAN has agreed to join us as well.  You’ll be able to find video archives there and in the FCC’s video archive on the web.

It promises to be an interesting day.  Mobile broadband demand is growing at an astounding rate, and we’re bringing together some the key players in industry, government, academia, and the investment community to discuss how we can best help spectrum supply keep up.

Check out the agenda here, and tune in tomorrow!

One Response to “Join us for the Spectrum Summit”

  1. Guest says:

    Ironically, during the Spectrum Summit, wireline network components didn't have enough capacity to stream the live broadcast without multiple crashes.

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