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Modernizing and Streamlining the Universal Service Fund

Posted February 7th, 2011 by Haley Van Dÿck - FCC New Media

This morning, Chairman Genachowski laid out a proposal to get broadband to rural America while cutting waste and inefficiency in two of the Commission’s largest programs.

Universal service has been core to the FCC’s mission since the Communications Act of 1934 created the agency and committed our nation to making vital communications services accessible to all.  The Universal Service Fund helped connect virtually every American to our 20th century communications grid.  But this program, along with Commission’s closely related Intercarrier Compensation rules, have become riddled with waste and inefficiency and are not up to our nation’s broadband challenge. Today, up to 24 million Americans have no access to broadband—fixed or mobile.
At tomorrow’s meeting, the Commission will vote on the proposal to transform the Universal Service Fund and Intercarrier Compensation rules from programs designed to support 20th Century voice networks to a force for expansion of 21st century fixed and mobile broadband and voice networks, while eliminating waste and inefficiency.

Posted in Open Meetings Office Of Chairman
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Brainstorming: the FCC Mobile App

Posted October 5th, 2010 by Haley Van Dÿck - FCC New Media

Haley Van Dyck The rate of mobile users has sky-rocketed in the past ten years, with over five billion mobile devices world wide.  Today Americans are spending more time online through their phones than ever before, with 6 out of 10 Americans connecting to the Internet through mobile access.

The FCC understands that growth like this makes mobile broadband even more vital in keeping Americans connected. To empower and inform consumers, we released iPhone and Android applications to test mobile broadband speeds. Since the FCC Broadband Speed Test launched in March, over 1.3 million speed test have been run.

As part of our FCC.gov redesign efforts, we’re heading back to the drawing boards to develop more powerful and innovative mobile applications to put in consumers’ hands.

Here's where we need you. We want to hear your ideas for new FCC Mobile Applications. What kinds of functionality could we deliver? Guidelines and precautions for emergency situations? Tools that illuminate the sometimes fuzzy world of consumer electronics and billing? Maps that mash up FCC data with private sector data?

Send us your thoughts on your ideal consumer-focused FCC mobile applications.  You can post your ideas in our forum, or check out ideas from other people and vote on your favorites.

Click here to share your ideas, or post a comment below.

Thanks—we’re looking forward to hearing from you.

Posted in Reform - Redesign Mobile

July Open Commission Meeting: Thoughts from the Chairman

Posted July 15th, 2010 by Haley Van Dÿck - FCC New Media

The FCC held an Open Commission Meeting today to discuss expanding the reach and use of broadband by rural health care providers, increasing access and investment in mobile spectrum, and streamlining efficiency in the Electronic Tariff Filing System.

Chairman Genachowski shares his thoughts on today’s Open Commission Meeting below:

Posted in From The Chairman
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