FY 2012 IPPS Final Rule Home Page

This is the home page for the FY 2012 Hospital Inpatient Prospective Payment System (PPS) final rule. The list below centralizes any file(s) related to the final rule. The list contains the final rule (display version or published Federal Register version) and all subsequent published correction notices (if applicable), all tables, additional data and analysis files and the impact file. For files related to the Long Term Care PPS please visit http://www.cms.hhs.gov/LongTermCareHospitalPPS/.

Title Type of File
CMS-1518-F, CMS-1518-CN3 and CMS-1442-N Regulation
FY 2012 Final Rule Data File Impact File, Data Files
FY 2012 Final Rule, Correction Notice and 1442-N (508 Wage Index) Tables Tables