NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organization

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08 Mar. 2013

NATO engages young women and men in Afghanistan

Ambassador Kolinda Grabar, Assistant Secretary General for Public Diplomacy, addressed Kunduz, Kandahar and Baghlan Universities via videoconference on the occasion of International Women’s Day. The Director of Gender Issues of Afghanistan’s Ministry of Higher Education, Ms Sohaila Hofyani took part in the event to talk about the policies on women’s issues pursued by her ministry. The audience was made up of lecturers, students and members of sports and cultural associations.

05 Mar. 2013

NATO Secretary General reviews transition progress in Helmand

NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen visited Helmand Province on Tuesday 5 March to see the progress being made in the transition to Afghan security responsibility. “Two years ago, the transition to Afghan security responsibility began and in less than two years from now, Afghan forces will be fully responsible for Afghanistan’s security. Every province. Every district. Every village. And every valley,” said the Secretary General. “This is a great responsibility, but Afghanistan’s forces have shown they can do the job, and they can know they will continue to have our full support.”

04 Mar. 2013

In Kabul, NATO Secretary General relays message of Alliance commitment to Afghanistan

The Alliance will stay committed to Afghanistan after its ISAF combat mission ends at the end of 2014, NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen said Monday 4 March after talks with President Hamid Karzai in Kabul. "Let there be no doubt: our commitment is certain, to the end of transition and beyond it. NATO will stand by you," the Secretary General said.

28 Feb. 2013

Heavy weapons training hits the target

It's a snowy day in Kabul up on top of the Darulaman mountains in the west of the city. An Afghan National Army captain crouches on the ground next to a British Army Brigadier, who guides his hand as he aims a 60mm mortar. Tapping him on the shoulder, Capt Khavani Noori grins at the Brigadier, before a popping sound indicates the dummy mortar has been launched off into the hills. Both stare out, cupping hands over their eyes against the white glare, as the mortar hits its target.

22 Feb. 2013

ISAF Defence Ministers prepare for transition milestone

Defence Ministers from NATO and partner nations assessed the progress made since the transition to Afghan security responsibility began two years ago, and looked ahead to future tasks at a meeting in Brussels on 22 February. “There have been challenges. But in those two years we have made real progress,” NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen said.

10 Feb. 2013

NATO Secretary General congratulates the new Commander of ISAF

Today, General Joseph Dunford assumed command of ISAF. I wish him every success and I look forward to working closely with him.

08 Feb. 2013

NATO's Senior Civilian Representative in Afghanistan looks forward to 2013 and beyond

This year marks a milestone in Afghanistan – the final areas marked for security transition will be handed over to Afghan lead. The transition process itself will run until the end of 2014.

23 Jan. 2013

Afghan Air Force reduces casualty evacuation time

The commanders of the Afghan Air Force (AAF) and NATO Air Training Command-Afghanistan (NATC-A) have recently agreed procedures to improve air response to Afghan battlefield casualties.

18 Jan. 2013

Developing remote-controlled robots to clear roadside bombs

Secure roads, safe lines of communication and freedom of movement are crucial for the safety of both soldiers and civilians in Afghanistan. Several Allies are working together to identify the best equipment for route clearance operations, including remote-controlled robots. This is one of a package of multinational ‘Smart Defence’ projects launched at NATO’s Chicago Summit in 2012.

16 Jan. 2013 - 19 Jan. 2013

Operation New Hope clears insurgent stronghold

KAJAKI, Afghanistan (Jan. 25, 2013) – During a time when insurgent forces typically bed down until the spring poppy harvest, Afghan National Security Forces, aided by a small group of Marine advisors, engaged multiple enemy forces during Operation New Hope, Kajaki, Afghanistan, Jan. 16 through 19.