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This is Laurel River where it exits the Laurel River Dam in London, Ky May 26, 2011. (USACE photo by Lee Roberts)

This is Laurel River where it exits the Laurel River Dam in London, Ky May 26, 2011. (USACE photo by Lee Roberts) (Photo by Leon Roberts)

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Laurel River Lake, Ky.

FACT SHEET (As of August 2012)

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  Laurel River Lake, Ky.

US ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS                                                  BUILDING STRONG®

                                                                            FACT SHEET

                                                                       (As of August 2012)

AUTHORIZATION: Flood Control Act of 1960 (PL 86-645).


TYPE OF PROJECT: Hydroelectric power, water quality, and recreation.


LOCATION: Laurel River Lake is located in southeastern Kentucky, near Corbin, KY, 2.3 miles above its confluence with the Cumberland River.  Laurel Lake is one of the multi-purpose projects designed for flood control, navigation, and hydropower.

Statistical Data


Type:                                                                                      Rockfill


    Max Height, feet......................................................................282

    Length, feet.........................................................................1,420

    Top elevation, feet above msl.............................................1,036


    Crushed rock, cubic yards.............................................2,500,000


    Number and type...................................................1, Uncontrolled

    Width, feet...............................................................................750

    Maximum discharge capacity, c.f.s....................................36,400

Hydro Power

Installation.......................................................61,000 kw. in 1 unit

Maximum Capability, kw......................................................74,000

Maximum water discharge, c.f.s..........................................4,000

Estimated energy output, average yearly kwh.........67,000,000


Drainage area,square miles....................................................282

Area, acres:

    Top of Flood-control pool (El. 1025.6)..................................6,650

    Spillway crest (El. 1018.5).....................................................6,060

    Average recreation pool (El. 1012.0)....................................5,600

    Average year round pool (El. 1010.6)...................................5,583

    Minimum pool (El. 982.0).......................................................4,200

Storage capacities, acre-feet:

    Power drawdown (El. 1018.5 -982.0)................................185,000 

    Permanent pool (below El. 982.0).....................................250,600

     Total (below El. 1018.5)...................................................435,600

Length of pool at El. 1018.5, river miles................................19.2

Shoreline, pool at El. 1018.5, miles.........................................206

Average depth, feet....................................................................72

CONGRESSIONAL INTEREST: Rogers (KY-5), Whitfield (KY-1), McConnell (KY), Paul (KY), Alexander (TN), Corker (TN)


· In 1960, Congress authorized construction of a dam on the Laurel River.  Construction, by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, began in December of 1964 and the lake was impounded in 1974.  The dam’s power plant was completed and began producing electricity in 1977.


·  Since its impoundment, the Forest Service and the Army Corps of Engineers have cooperated in the ongoing work of developing public recreation facilities on and around the lake.  Today, most of the lake is administered by the Forest Service, London Ranger District, while the Corps of Engineers oversees the operation of the Laurel River Dam and recreation.



349,518 visitors

1,085,298 visitor hours


Total of 2:

o   Laurel River Dam site

o   Laurel River Dam Picnic Area



Technical support to local sponsors for the operations of the Barbourville & Williamsburg Flood Risk Reduction Projects


LAU/R Contracting FY 10-11:

Service Contract - $82,150 year of $38,650 plus an option year of $43,500;Law Enforcement Agreement-$8,262.


BUDGET ($): Estimated project costs are shown below.


Federal Funds Data


     Allocation for FY 2012


     President’s Budget for FY 2013



FY 2011 ACTIVITIES:  Operation and maintenance of dam and hydropower plant, recreation and environmental stewardship areas. 

For more information regarding the Laurel River Lake, KY contact Tom Hale CELRN-OP-EKY-A, Phone (606) 679-6337,