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AFV Acquisitions by Regulated Fleets (by Fleet Type)

1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
State 705 1208 1587 2174 3148 3741 5443 11327 8448 8248 6143 6652 9316 11862 13492 19485 9715 8361
Fuel Provider 1778 3113 3855 2457 3169 2378 2564 2676 2184 2065 2137 1449 906 976 1646 1681 1096 1866
Under the Energy Policy Act of 1992 (EPAct) and subsequent regulations, certain vehicle fleets operated by state agencies or alternative fuel providers are required to acquire alternative fuel vehicles (AFVs). This chart shows the number of AFV acquisitions these fleets made from 1992 to 2010. The economic downturn of 2008 led to fewer overall vehicle acquisitions, which in turn reduced AFV acquisition requirements.