Energy, Climate, & Infrastructure Security (ECIS)

Fuel Cycle

Defense Waste Management Programs

On March 9, 2012, in

Defense Waste Management Programs provides scientific analyses and programmatic advice to the U.S. Department of Energy in support of defense waste management challenges.  Defense waste encompasses radioactive and hazardous materials designated as waste by-products during the manufacture and deployment of weapons, in particular, nuclear weapons.  Defense waste is unique in that all current management strategies [...]

Advanced Nuclear Energy

On March 9, 2012, in

The Advanced Nuclear Energy Programs Group conducts research and development in advanced technologies for both the front- and back-end of the nuclear fuel cycle.  Major advanced nuclear energy programs include: Nuclear Launch Safety Analysis; Small Modular Reactors; Advanced Energy Conversion Systems, Nuclear Waste Storage, Transportation, and Disposal; and Advanced Modeling and Simulation.  The Group also [...]

Nuclear Energy Safety Technologies

On March 9, 2012, in

Sandia’s Nuclear Energy Safety Technologies Group develops innovative technologies and methodologies through scientific analyses and experiments to enhance the safety of the nuclear fuel cycle and the supporting infrastructure. These solutions cover a broad spectrum of activities ranging from large multiscale/multipurpose experiments to phenomenological modeling, and from risk/safety modeling and assessments to support of regulatory [...]

Nuclear Energy Publications

On March 9, 2012, in

Nuclear Energy Safety Fact Sheets Assuring Safe Transportation of Nuclear and Hazardous Materials Human Reliability Assessment (HRA) Large-Scale Validation Experiments MACCS2 MELCOR MIDAS: Mobile Instrumentation Data Acquisition System Multi-Scale, Multi-Process Testing Probabilistic Risk Assessments (PRA) Quality Assurance (QA) RADTRAN Regulatory Gap Analysis Severe Accident Modeling Structural Phenomenological Modeling Thermal Phenomenological Modeling Training Uncertainty and Sensitivity [...]

Nuclear Energy Videos

On March 9, 2012, in

The Nuclear Energy Capabilities video is 40 minutes long, but is broken into video segments for each capability. You may select a specific capability by scrolling along the video segments just below the video menu.

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