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Reflections from the Chairman on the May Commission Meeting

May 21st, 2010 by George Krebs

Chairman Genachowski provides his thoughts on yesterday’s Open Commission Meeting in the below video blog.


One Response to “Reflections from the Chairman on the May Commission Meeting”

  1. Jim P says:

    Dear FCC and Chairman:

    It would be a responsible move to create an FCC public access channel to the cable and public television spectrum. Similar to local city public access channels that stream important meetings and loop recently archived video in a loop, the FCC should do this as well. Some people may view your YouTube channel, but if an FCC channel is introduced to all public and cable TV networks around the country, it will help you broadcast primary source information and reach a broader audience.

    What's more is, you're the FCC, you should be able to introduce a channel if need be. This would be a bold and responsible move for the agency.


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